... So begins this or noncomincia TerzaGuerra World ? And if you ', starts with Libya? To get an idea of \u200b\u200bcio'che happen' in the next few days (which off the Italian coast? 200 km?) and 'Just answer a single question: “ Gli ammericani hanno decisodi prendersela oppure no, questa Libia? ”
Se la risposta e’ si, allora assisteremoa breve ad un nuovo Iraq (o Kosovo ),presumibilmente in versione molto accelerata. Gli analisti di Washington , Basilea e Roma (non proprio Roma, diciamo ‘in’ Roma) hanno gia’ pronto un catalogo di gocce in grado di far traboccare il vaso ,i generali scalpitano sui ponti delle portaerei schierate intornoall’obiettivo. Consoliamoci pensando che stavolta non sara’ un calvario come furonol’Europa (Twice), Laos, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Rwanda, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, etc.. etc. Probabileche in Libya make a blitzkrieg . Iltempo tightens.
dellademocrazia When the troops decided to invade, the Libyans also will notice esserein war. For now they are in home watching tivvu ' wondering why' the world has suddenly decided to get their dicks.
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Measured |
How does a Duck? Cisono thousand ways. I was an analyst in the White House point to a massacre of civilians day (possibilmentei secessionist of Cyrenaica) closely followed by a coup Capitoline night. With unacarneficina in the pot would no longer be 'a problem to breed OldMan Muammar instantly by one of the infiltrators services nellaservitu' palace and put in its place a bust - yet another region has to offer - not particularly disliked by the people unaware. All in a night . Gia 'I see, the day after, buonmattino, the blond blue helmet troops from invading the streets peacefully lanciandocaramelle children while the' young 'twittaroli Sorosappendono sponsored by the old despot upside down' to the streets of Benghazi, a city 'initiative - they say around - to become the new economic capital of the country. Lasecessione of Cyrenaica will be 'postponed until a later date but so' Libyan even friends, who hannocondiviso with us so much of their recent history, have had their 8settembre . Their democratic experience will last 'a attimo, manco iltempo di chiedere almeno il federalismo fiscale, e di questo un poco li si puo’invidiare. Di certo, fino ad oggi, se la sono passata meglio di noi e degli ammericani .
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Bengasi |
Gli Stati Uniti, a ben vedere,sono uno Stato-Esercito . Tutta lastruttura della confederazione e’ finalizzata alla realizzazione di una popolazionedi soldati. Mi sono sempre chiesto come mai, fin dalle origini, siano statisterminati i pacifici nativi americani, also called Indian, and African blacks rimpiazzaticoi quarrelsome. To what end? The fact is that the past and present societa'americana prides itself of being based on the dynamics delpotere that, ultimately, conflict. Not surprisingly, the United States are at least 300 million guns in the hands of militariprofessionisti in third, third to public and private police and third in cittadini'normali '. The company ', the economy and the administration of the United States realize, as a whole, stataleimpostato body in order to maintain its military arsenal , eprivato public. The spoiled child that no one can say no, in the Unitid'America, and 'the Pentagon. Every family has its spoiled child. We, forexample, we ... We ... exact! The Dome. However, if you accettal'ipotesi that there is more than willing to dominate the direction interopianeta under the aegis of a World NuovoOrdine , on balance, the ammericani be considered the esercitodell'Impero .
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Tripoli |
Let's brief, the objective ammericano - ie 'Empire - inquella region of the planet and 'the same as always: get your hands , this time in the strict sense, taps on oil and gas . Annaffiarlocon a generous tribute of blood would not MUST but now it 's time dicazzeggiare, first duty and then ilpiacere . The resources expropriated, however, will be used to that.
We wondered whether or not ammericani willing adoccupare Libya. Many indicators suggest that is so 'not e'escluso that the answer may be no. Let's say have the means, you have created the diversion media, have deployed the military and can not wait to download some 'meat for the enemy to piombocaldo . The problem 'that the enemy is not there' but we are working on prestol'inconveniente and will 'pass.
Everything else 'sand and boredom.
and Libya.
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