In questi giorni, molto si insiste sul ruolo che la nuova comunicazioneinternet ha avuto nel sommovimento delle piazze arabe. Non so se è così e se iservizi segreti – sempre presenti e di cui è sempre bene sospettare – non sianocomunque all’opera ed anche quella comunicazione che noi riteniamo spontaneanon sia invece pure essa manipolata e tutti noi presi per il naso. Tuttavia,voglio credere che ci siano concessi nuovi spazi, prima impensabili.
In un contenzioso che ho incorso con un grande quotidiano nazionale, che non volle mialettera to publish a refutation, make out, to have learned in my skin, and this front thanked the newspaper said, between "press freedom" that competeai newspapers and the "freedom of thought, which is every citizen ancheanalfabeta. Today, if you think of it, lacosiddetta "press freedom" (of newspapers large and too small) is a freedom in opposition to "freedom of thought" of ordinary citizens . The media are inrealtà, mostly organs of manipulation of consensus, diffamazionespicciola of subliminal persuasion. And here I could go on and on that perconcludere sescomparissero would gain all the nature, saving paper, edanche our freedom of thought and communication, no longer influenced by econdizionata mainstream.
Years ago I had been supervisor of an interesting thesis which siparlava of "vertical communication, which is what afflicts quotidianamenteci : news and mass media such as print or impresecommerciali and methods of propaganda and social control, and then a "horizontal communication", where everyone can talk directly with each senzatramiti. To a scheme to "not more than one for all" is passed to the schema "daognuno to everyone," activating chain letters.
If by "awakening" is the second new possibility, even with tuttele cautions and distinctions, I believe chequalche hope you can feed it, as long as we defend Entitlements conceivable thanks to new technology. The dangers are giàpresenti horizon. Recently, Hillary Clinton has expressed un'apparentedifesa of freedom of communication network through the quale sarebberoconnessi due miliardi di persone, ma subito dopo ha posto quelli che dovrebberoessere i limiti, secondo lei. Vorrebbe una libertà della rete che servisse adestabilizzare un grande paese come la Cina, cioè un sesto dell’umanità, che dasolo è uscito dalla morte per fame, che era il grazioso regalo fattodall’Occidente, ad incominciare dalla “guerra dell’oppio”, con la qualel’Inghilterra imponeva il libero commercio proprio dell’oppio, ossia delladroga odierna. Non occorrono molte parole per dimostrare l’ipocrisia dellasignora americana.
Aggiungo sul tema proposto del “risveglio” un altro sempreriflettere inspiration that makes me, when I go back with the mind. In a book of futurology, circa30 of years ago, bought a three-stall €, I read a Japanese manager - a grandepersonaggio - who had then imagined a scenario that today I realized sembrapienamente. Everyone, who has the will and capacity puòdiventare from his home, from his desk during his free time, a producer of knowledge and metterequesta knowledge available to all those who want to take advantage .
Here "knowledge" can be simply information that one of the manifestations of Bahrain partecipantialle puts on the network and communicates to us without lamed, often suspected of official and media regime. Of course, we should have ognunodi critical enough to assess what it receives . This is extremely important that schools can educate all of noiallo critical. To consider and that is what we are told to procure leconoscenze you need, when you need them. But this is a sore point. The scuolediventano increasingly a place of forced indoctrination, propaganda and dipersecuzione of teachers who are conscious of their role and lorofunzione educator, in the sense just mentioned.
course, the stimuli that internet technology offers us are many. The esperienzaaccumulata also allows you to evaluate the trap of violence, deception, manipulation. Democracy ofwhich so often spoken of in reality there is nowhere Chemai and less in our countries that claim to be "democratic." Chepuntualmente violence is condemned in hindsight is often instigated by governments to scopodi then be able to exercise repression and neutralize any legittimaopposizione. The "protest" is in essence a form of violence: semprepiù it becomes necessary as spaces are reduced individual freedom, adincominciare freedom of thought and expression secondarily. The transition from a strong protest "to unaforma of" violence "is very labile : now are accused genocidal comecrimini simple graffiti on the walls, even those of violence gabinetti.Una of people that would become would become victorious in turn inforza legitimate, which would then establish a new legal order. Bastipensare how the French Revolution arose the modern "state didiritto. The French Revolution is in fact noted as a legitimizing fonteprimigenia. In short, the condemnation of violence often Sipre around. Nobody wants violence per se, but if a protest as "violent" arises from a lack of law (bread, work, freedom) should focus attention instead on the right claimed sullapresunta violence.
rights, our rights, we need to bring together unariflessione. To "wake up" from the torpor in which he has led the drug state, the opium of the modern media and talk show. Dino is important that everyone do their part to fulfill that commitment and he is capable. Anzichérecarci periodically those electoral precincts where there is consegnataun'inutile board to elect a representative to us disconoscerà rideràin and face the next day, possiamovotare every day of the week, month and year , assuming intutte concrete situations one decision: for humans, in favoredell'uomo who suffers, who is discriminated against, criminalized, pushed against the suosimile.
On closer reflection, this is ilmodo in which each of us can actually do his best. should have the intelligence to saperdecifrare situations and no one will come and say what do what and what is bad Ebene. I do not want addentrami discorsometafisico in a very difficult, but if we are not capaciautonomamente to distinguish "good" from "evil", no human freedom epossibilità of human decision. This will araggiungere best we can for ourselves, in our legitimate comfort and benefit. Ilnostro concrete and tangible in the future this will certainly deliver allegenerazioni who come after us and judge us, respecting our very memory and pouring on our inertia their rightful blame. To try to "make a future that is not already presenteè only one of many scams which people have been spessopuntualmente cage.
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