look at what they write today (March 6, 2011) on Republic about Libya (obviously not subscribed Republic of Chesio partial feeds, in every sense ... well, I found the article here ).
Libya was a day of civil war and propaganda, between leinformazioni distributed by the regime diGheddafi and counter insurgents.
[good start. The target and 'immediately clear. The lettoreda indoctrinate and 'left-handed, and' one who reads the Republic but also lacontroinformazione and these days the word "counter" is very dimoda. Thus, 'the bad design (the Gaddafi regime) disseminate propagandamentre young people react with counter-insurgency that is both glamorous . The aim of the first sentence is' let the reader hear the side of twittaroli Soros.]
A Sunday that sees the dawn loyalists Gaddafi in Tripoli to shoot in the air of a successful counteroffensive cheavrebbe reported under the control of the cities east Rais, Misurata, Zawiya, the oil port of Ras Lanuf, after a night of battle, a prelude to the march to Benghazi, the capital of the 'other Libya.
[Fedelissimi and 'a term which bodes sianopochi (loyalists are always a few, by definition). C'e'gia then discover that 'another Libya, a North African Padania has even a novella capital. A Republic, ilsecessionismo Libyan pleases far more 'than the Italian.]
Joy premature. The day, in fact, ends with the NazionaleLibico Council, a body of government and coordination of opposition forces aGheddafi, announcing that not only measures and Zawiya, but all città dell'oriente Libya had been "liberated " after rejecting the attacks of the green. And now you point west to recover and return Jawad Bin aminacciare Tripoli.
[In short, Each claims that today has more 'points other. So far the Republic tells us the two versions but does not tell us that most qualesia 'congruent to reality'. We have some source other than quelleparti from the press office of an NGO from Soros? I know, a left ..? The esecutoredell'articolo and does not tell us what 'happened, but it makes us understand that being partebisogna also not knowing. Three lexical choices in this paragraph (released, you point and recover) lead the reader to take sides with the rebels.]
To support its version of events in the evening, the National Council Libicomanda a spokesman in press conference in Benghazi. Persmentire the regime's propaganda and also to reveal the ofa yellow background: the capture of eight British citizens by the rebels.
[In short, the troops of Muammar, instead of weaving astutetrame propaganda of the regime, sparacchiano affettandokebab to the streets of Tripoli and the CNL is of sound and robust communication. What do ribellidopo have lost (or recovered, go to know) the cities' Europe? A bellaconferenza release - there will be 'was an envoy of the Republic? - Smascherarela for regime propaganda, that 'those who facendobaldoria meanwhile, are in place and not think about it a long shot. In contrast, this baby CNLha already 'a magagnetta to solve ... Who were these eight British never?]
event that London would not comment, then finally admits. This is unamissione diplomatic [Ah! Ah! Ah!] escorted by members of the SAS [But it '?], The forzespeciali of His Majesty, entered the country with the aim of contact the Council Libyan National .
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The Videogame inspired SAS you feel the spirit of humanitarianism? |
[ie, 'a British military squad entratoclandestinamente on Libya to contact the CNL. But if questipossono hold a press conference, send a spokesman to the right and misses, there chebisogno 'of illegally enter on a war footing to get Uncontacted with them? Mah ..]
"They were entered into modoirregolare without passports - said a spokesman for the CNL, Hafiz Ghoga - we did not want to talk to them, losing a signal to the country. To say that the insurgency and 'spontaneous internal .
[How little you consider your hucksters, amicilettori the mainstream press . Now they realize they, too, up to the office, you are lobotomizzati.Queste once you understand things left were the first considerazioneovvia that the reader was reading at the end. To understand ... a few years ago inbocca This Gogh would put something like this: "They were joined in an irregular manner - says spokesman - and we did not want us to do fare.Libia free!" point. We think you, then, to add that if avevanofatto so 'then they were hard and pure, not tied by outside influences. Inveceoggigiorno I'll just have to explain in detail otherwise there arrivi.Te do so by a spokesman for the Libyan say that all history and 'a messinscenae is reduced to a signal, ie a communicative event, ie that has the propaganda.Che or not, that there is a different version for each of one or editorial, in any case the phrase put into the mouth of this HafizGhoga and 'paradoxical' cause if you think about it, assumes that the rebels giovanisocial spontaneous, at this time of urban riots and military diguerriglia, have a good press office informing them about public umoridell'opinione who has doubts about their spontaneity 'and So, faced to the opportunity 'of a meeting with a delegation militareinglese entered illegally on Libyan soil just to talk to them, a move scelgonodi implement communication instead of a diplomatic meeting. Rifiutanodi negotiate in order to send a signal to the country's sincerity 'of lorointenzioni. E 'illogical, fuck, to me it seems completely senseless. Not loe 'if you evaluate the hypothesis it's all hype or even untotale birth fantasy. tuttoquesto If there 'is not a signal' to the country of Libya, but for you who read , in your use and consumption.]
The eight were signed and sent back to Britain, where ilministro of Foreign Affairs, William Hague, confirmed all, framing the mission in a broader humanitarian erilancia " tried again, bisognarafforzare dialogue."
[for "more 'broad piano umanitario” temo si intendal’invasione della Libia, in questa dichiarazione c’e’ la conferma che gliinglesi l’attuerannoa breve . Non vedono l’ora, d’altronde bisogna rafforzare il dialogo.]
Gheddafi, però, non si lascia sfuggire l'occasione di " svergognare " i suoi nemici. La tvdi Stato diffonde l'intercettazione di un colloquiotelefonico tra un ex ambasciatorebritannico a Tripoli e Mustafa Abdel Jalil, ex ministro della Giustizia libico e attuale capo del Consiglionazionale dell'opposizione. The voice attributed to the diplomat britannicosostiene that their compatriots were caught Inai military experts sent to the rebels.
[conspiracy-tone characterizes gossiparo ilparagrafo dedicated to the best approximation of the truth ', that does not mean puo'non as obvious and implied, therefore, be diminished. We have: shame, spreads (rather than forward), and a pair of interception ex.Il everything to complicate the obvious. The obvious' that a team of British military and 'was sent in support ribelli.Questo and' the problem, my gosh! British military experts sent supportoai rebels. By whom? By the British government? It 'an act of war. Serviziall'insaputa by the government? Then the British government does not count a chip. Fact is that the regular army should be without them and caught - Muammar good - not even lihanno shot. They were returned to the sender. Instead of the gesture far ringraziareper discount Rais, those ungrateful and spontaneigiovani revolutionary (or secession? Do not understand a bat) and external unrelated dainfluenze let us say, really gullible, we also embroider cifanno above and press conferences by inviting reporters and international agencies. That's right ...]
In contrast, during the press conference in Benghazi, a spokesman for the CNL the proposed plan seems to open dalpresidente Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, on a mission of peace that average drill. Proposal in recent days seemed to have been rejected dagliinsorti. "Nobody has ever contacted - Hafiz says Ghoga - what allanostra answer depends on what is offered. And in any case we act for the people . Lerichieste And the people can not be ignored."
[Eye 'cause here comes another key concept. Noiagiamo for the people. That is the revolution not 'in hand to the people but CNLche acts for the people. Gosh, these young marchers square etwittaroli (who knows 'which is struggling to find a connection these days ... oh, no ...' s true, do press conferences) they have made the party and sonoautoproclamati voice of the people and and talk 'then spokesman vocedel people. But who and 'this is said magnanimously willing Ghoga aparlare with Chavez - if it prompts you before course, not like the English - and' ilportavoce whom? The secessionists of Cyrenaica? Muslim Brotherhood (which were once the quintessential bad and yet now, it looks a bit ', have become good)? Or maybe some of the students' anti-system and a network that po'social much like the Western public and particularly ailettori certain editorial guidelines?]
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Hafiz Gogh |
Still diplomacy. On Libya before the extraordinary meeting of the Heads of Government apprenticeships and next Friday, the capodella diplomacy Catherine Ashton EU sent a mission to Tripoli, four officials, led by the Italian hub Agostino, director of the service since last dicembremanaging EU response to crises. ATripoli arrived today, the mission will start again tomorrow after a series of meetings and inspections field. It dellaprima international mission since the violence. The mission uncarattere technical, aimed at gathering information on site andnot to negotiate with the authorities. Among the objectives, cittadinieuropei check how many are still in Libya, who wish to leave, have a quadropreciso of foreign workers in Libya still wishing andarsene.All 'examination, finally, the demands on the needs of humanitarian aid .
[When I read "humanitarian aid" through my back a brividodietro. Among other things I did not understand, but the EU can 'mandaremissioni in Tripoli, in time of the alleged civil war, without asking ilparere the Libyan government, which Gaddafi? Asked him for permission? Avra \u200b\u200b'not tell you'..?]
Meanwhile, Democratic Community in Italy's Libyan complaint the arrival in our country of a hundred agents of the regime of Gaddafi, who posing as students, are preparing to stage demonstrations delregime to the embassy in Rome and the Consulate in Milan. The Community gave to states have information that would give students the false aPerugia already.
[And here we have the final comic, all around you, a friend of the consumer mainstream stories . It adds texture to an imaginary community 'Democratic Libyan in Italy, a essersicostituita think tank that has in recent days (mica will escort the 100 to 80 € ormaiconvertite Islam?). These come to the rescue of the CDL popoloitaliano and warn are coming one hundred secret agents of the "regime" Libyan disguised as students to make protests InItalia! I mean, ' Let us realize ... but if you think Gaddafi had centoagenti secrets available to young and healthy, we will send afar in Italy on Sunday with marches and metalworkers piddini? But we're kidding? What has the revolution at home and in your opinion right now is concerned about asking his staff to wave placards in front of a palace in Milan? Wake up! Wake up! There would then be to understand how we would come to Perugia questilibici and decrypt the reason for which they are mentioned in Rome, Milan and Perugia. I doubt it is coincidental.]
But let the juice. Questoarticolo of the Republic, which I assume to be an editorial, and 'pure propaganda. As such, aisuoi times and for other reasons, the fund was Padellaro I carry 'ascribed questopezzo . pure propaganda. Propaganda . It 'clear?
Well, not 'here on the blogosphere we can remove them all, one by one, the articles of the Republic, delCorriere of Done and all the others. Ecchediamine!
take it in once and for all who are caciaballe treacherously from beginning to end.
E quit it.
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