Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life In Singapore In 1970s

dust with the shovel

"After ministrodella Defense German baron zu Guttenberg , accused horrible crime of having plagiarized part of his texts didottorato (but the use of quotation marks holy, no, pirlone of a baron?) after French Foreign Minister Madame Michele Alliot-Marie , guilty ditroppe visits with the deposed tyrant Tunisian Ali Ben including free holidays and trip to Minzolini dunquedimissionaria and now also the rampant ministrodegli Japanese Foreign SeijiMaheara , candidate for the future Premier's chair resigns because some funding hapreso election by a businesswoman who fingevagiapponese but were Korean, so foreign.

Horror. The Puritan moralists giustizialisticromwelliani headhunters sistanno taking over the world. (...)"

I agree with Vittorio Zucconi, and 'act in a clean sweep.
We will shovel the manure with a shovel, elsewhere sileva dust with a damp cloth.
would not make sense to dust with the shovel.



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