The swing of the pendulum against
E ' HistoryThe passed to the scene of the movie Matrix where Agent Smith says that man is a virus. To my generation was taught that the specieumana is just one of many sprouting on the tree of life, that had the most successful evolutionary Cheh, but before that, for centuries, the genteveniva explained that the man is a privileged creature, esomiglianza made in the image of divinity, and therefore a bit 'divine too. Darwin and Galileoprima, ecologists then, they put the record straight, after centuries dioscurantismo bigoted and superstitious. Confrontidell'ambiente on the faults of man in general - and other animals in particular - you potrebberoscrivere encyclopedias. We were generous, we humans, neldistribuire death and destruction in both hands, right and left. AdrianoSofri nodded, years ago, the fact that we live in an age dipentimento. In the sixties, born WWF el ' IUCN. In the seventies were born alcunedelle most important Italian animal rights associations, including the LAV probably sull'ondaemotiva of bad that we had done for centuries the nature and the knowledge that bisognavainvertire the trend, that is, repent and try to fix it. I'm rethinking this age of cresciutoin sulnostro place in the world and our responsibility deglialtri against animals.
dicritica In this vicious toward our species, is part of the birth of ' ELF (Earth LiberationFront ), which represents the so-called " Deep Ecology, Ecology delprofondo. In Italy has not taken hold, but in the USA 'In fact' that suoiattivisti, as well as calls for end of mankind and cheer lepandemie in concrete sabotaged bulldozers of loggers and planted chiodinei trunks of trees, causing damage to chainsaws waves evitarel'abbattimento the trees themselves and the resulting deforestation. DiIorio Some ended up in prison.
stessaottica Also in the last year has been released in Germany on the animated film " Animalsunited . Usually do not watch animated film, but the friend who mel'ha downloaded from the internet told me it contained an ecological message. Einfatti animals of the savanna, which had been removed the water with a dam lacostruzione, oppose the tyranny of man and finevincono. The message è chiaro: perseguendo i suoi interessi, l’uomo, o megliocerti uomini con tanto di nomi e cognomi, causano morte e distruzione aun’infinità di altre creature, mettendo a rischio la stessa sopravvivenza dellanostra specie.
Dicevo che sonocresciuto in un’epoca di pentimento, ma siccome gli eventi si susseguono aritmi incalzanti in un fluire del tempo sempre più compresso e frenetico, stoassistendo al ripensamento del ripensamento ovvero a un ritorno del pendolodella Storia in direzione opposta. Se i forum di discussione su internet sonoattendibili, as a signal of the cultural trends of humanity (at least diquella that has Internet access), then latendenza is to put everything indiscussione , returning to positions that were thought dead and buried, that is outdated.
This is conl'Olocausto, questioned by so-called Holocaust deniers, with the ' evolution of living things, called into question by the creationists and the animals and protect necessitàdi Environment, questioned by some complottisti.Dei deniers and creationists do not intend to speak here because the loroobiettivi me are clear: impose eugenic theories of Nazism erinsaldare the faltering faith in the existence of God On conspiracy invecevorrei say a few words. Skipped the question of what could be a riscaldamentoglobale found Al Gore and his advisers perricavare economic benefits through taxes and other requests for funds. It 's a bit like the case with natural disasters on which so many people eat and earn whatever theorigin, in fact, the nature of the disaster. Jump, then, the "Global Warming" and goes on to consider other aspects that seem to me a disturbing and tantinoparanoici.
Take the New Age , for example. As far as I know, ecology is a philosophy that goes back to the old desire for a harmonious world, based on unrapporto peacefully with the environment. Potrebbeessere the modern version of the hippie philosophy of flower anniSessanta . So far, I do not see anything wrong, but I happened to leggerecommenti of people who attend the so-called alternative sites qualiassociano the New Age the Masons, the elite world of the bankers secretly epetrolieri that govern the world and even to the reptilians. That is, when you do not know and things you want at all costs to match the company glieventi and generally the phenomena of the human spirit, with proprieidee, it makes a forced manicheistica and divides the world into good bad in those who loves life and the planet we live on and who hates Lavita and would destroy the world. Strangely, for me, environmentalists and New Agefiniscono to be ranked among the necrophiliacs who want maledell'umanità. Just as Darwin and the Masons, who want to destroy the Catholic laChiesa, along with the whole of Christianity. Obviously, the web travelers, a lot of people who have established a priori that the Catholic Church andthe Christianity are on the side of good and those "against" passanoautomaticamente that of Evil. So WWF, ecologists in gender and children of the hippies, because perjury and lying, even if say they love the Earth and its inhabitants, actually want to destroy this beautiful blue planet magaritrasferirsi on another planet on board ships that have ready daqualche part.
variation on the theme, instead of spaceships with the engine running, we are ready to receive them, underground bunkers to limited capacity, which fioredell'umanità fill the flower when it unleashed the World TerzaGuerra or l 'Apocalypse final. To support the latter view, have been brought into play also banchedei seeds in Norway and other parts of the world that the survivors would adisposizione when you want to start again with laciviltà human.
Nonso Animals also excluded from the crossfire of this kind of conspiracy, in which momentoin advocate the widespread use of microchip for dogs and cats, it is assumed that poichési the anticameradell'obbligo microchip implant for all men and beasts. If - loconfesso - the idea of \u200b\u200ba microchip implanted under the skin gives me fastidioanche me, imagine that the registry is a demonic dog disottoporre attempt at total control of all mankind by the powerful, which mines controlled by other means, it seems to me to pull hair. Obviously, this kind of conspiracy does not have a meaning and a pragmatic view dellecose. Should ask how many dogs were saved thanks to the microchip, dogs that had escaped or been abducted, but had their cartad'identità in City Hall and has been recovered and returned to the proprietariograzie inmediately recognition. The medal around the neck can always staccarsi.Anche recent dramatic stories of children abducted or disappeared, however, might lead to conspiracy peralcuni delmicrochip mandatory for children, a prelude to that for adults. And that's it! Suquest'ultimo point I do not pronounce it, but it could risolverelasciandola optional, or who are parents to decide whether their children impiantarloai two or four legs.
less critical of the WWF, fondatoda princes of royal blood who love hunting and whose advice direttivisedevano also responsible for aziendeinquinanti as ICMESA , had already been made by Dario Paccini nellontano 1972. But the accusations that you thought had been superseded and digested, devonoaver caught in a creeping, underground if, nowadays, ciritroviamo with a slice of web users who not only puts the WWF and glizoofili favorable to the microchip, but also other environmental groups osingoli individuals who take the same positions, from the bad guys, and inevitably ends up putting the healthy farmers, hunters, fishermen and heirs of local traditions, the good guys. I do not tanks!
For me, though possonoaver reason murky origins of the WWF, I can not chel'evoluzionismo accept, the conservationists and animal rights, advocated the latter, by philosophers such as Singer and Regan venganonon only look with suspicion, but criticized for being instruments of Freemasonry , of \u200b\u200b'élitemondialista or even reptilian. Guest lascianoil such drastic change anything. In fact, leave many people bewildered and confused, unable to decide for themselves and, in a word, at the mercy of the first pazzoche passes. And that screams louder than the others.
If ever there uncomplotto against humanity, this confusion of roles and intentions, multiplied and repeated endlessly, in a sort of madman copy paste, that's exactly what those in power (those who ilpianeta have always exploited and devastated) want to achieve. Voglionodividere the masses and rule over them, as they do for centuries. Voglionocontinuare to exploit natural resources to the last drop of oil and human blood (metaphorically speaking because of vampires that reptilian nonsappiamo farcene). They want the truth seekers you Fattoria and the Casale throats, in a kind of game in the massacre of all against all, against StampaLibera ComeDonChisciotte , Tanker Enemy against Luogocomune , Zretblog against Franceschetti and Freda .
And while the fed bankers are laughing , deeply immersed in armchair lorocomode. The uninformed, they have unleashed on the web, riportanoamene stories of dirty laundry washed in public and anecdotes grotteschi.Resoconti of insults, processes the intentions and took of posizioneinquisitoriali. Peremptory catastrophic weather-lafantasia messianic and so, in this era not only of repentance but also of disappearance deivalori traditional, is able to give birth. CICAP last but not least, thank you.
The pendulum of Storiasarà also inevitable that you go back, but we must also relinquish alproprio intellect and ability to judge, this then no. Not good! Ameno that the confusion that reigns among the frequenters of siticomplottisti not the result of chemical sprays that infliggonodall'alto, on board aircraft anonymous. In this case, by dint of farcirespirare substances of which only they know the true nature, we are stoned all many, including we who claim to be more awake of others, the amorphous mass that knows nothing and wants to know nothing.
God forbid lamontagne of debates on the web does not give birth to a mouse buffalo. A bufalaplanetaria. Or maybe yes, why not, we hope that it was all a dream unbrutto .
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