An interesting speech allaRadio Satellite Iran in Italian writer Stefano Rings (aka John Kleeves ). The coordinates of the satellite radio, if ancoraesiste are: Hot Bird 3, 13 ° east, 12437 MHz, H. The interview, 7novembre released on 2004, says the U.S. presidential election just conclusesicon confirmation of outgoing President George W. Bush and touches on topics that definireattuali and 'a euphemism. In addition to inspiring the intuitive parallel Iraq-Libya that many observers have already 'stressed Kleeves scandaloLewinsky to mention that, according to him, the servants' Clinton hesitant to move a adinvadere Kosovo. Who remembers?
Kleeves closes interventocon a surprising statement: Bush has won better than Kerry (the Democratic candidate). Today, after the handover in 2008, it is surprising to notice to what was right.
Tell those who do not conoscessel'autore that Stefano Rings and 'died Sept. 18, 2010 unafreccia pierced by a crossbow . E 'was found at night in his auto.Sulla his death and not' suspect that a large and documentation and 'poor . Cisono however two versions about the incident. That official said that StefanoAnelli and 'crazy (sound familiar?) Paired her niece with a stick, pulled off an old crossbow his grandfather from above the fireplace and then e'suicidato puntandosela with him in the car in the race. That ' laversione Journal. Then there 'the other .
Here is the interview:
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Stefano Rings (aka John Kleeves) |
- Dr. Kleeves, how does the latest elezionistatunitensi?
First, from a technical standpoint, I'd say they have confirmed the essence oligarchicadegli USA. As always voted in the majority of the richest. Use it in voter turnout compared to the claimants (who are the largest of 18 years unless the mentally ill found and especially not those who have criminal subitocondanne of some importance, which are many) is now about 25-30% decenniassestata County elections , 30-35% in the elections of the States, and 50-55% in those federal elections that are also matched to the choice delPresidente. This time it was the last type is statoconfermato trend.
Lapopolazione the U.S. according to the census conducted in 2000 around ai280 million people, of whom about 75% over 18 years; gliaventi law are therefore approximately 210 million but were to have voted, according to figures circulating now, that will certainly correct in a little 'ditempo, 112.5 million equal to 53.5%. As in the media, maybe say nellamedia high, closer to 55% to 50 or even 49% in 1996. Sitratta then certainly the richest.
In the U.S. there are a very rich 25%, 25% of assolutamentepoveri (70 million people without health care, without lavorofisso without decent home - the homeless , that is, the homeless, are 4-5 million) and 50% with acceptable income , generally workers and employees: the level of participation at the polls, comemostrato by all statistics, are proportional to income, so the inmaggioranza County election vote practically the only band richer than those of state virtually is added to this the richest fifth dellafascia yield acceptable, adding that in federal elections with lapresidenza ballot arrives in the middle, more spare representations deimeno poor, with 70 million poor who continue to be almost absent deltutto.
In the U.S. there are a very rich 25%, 25% of assolutamentepoveri (70 million people without health care, without lavorofisso without decent home - the homeless , that is, the homeless, are 4-5 million) and 50% with acceptable income , generally workers and employees: the level of participation at the polls, comemostrato by all statistics, are proportional to income, so the inmaggioranza County election vote practically the only band richer than those of state virtually is added to this the richest fifth dellafascia yield acceptable, adding that in federal elections with lapresidenza ballot arrives in the middle, more spare representations deimeno poor, with 70 million poor who continue to be almost absent deltutto.
Command therefore in elezioniUsa the hard core of the richest who always vote, beginning with the election of the County that are less publicized but even more important because Chesio appoint local charges poigestiranno all other electoral processes.
But what is truly significant, the subtlety that must davveroafferrare, that this is so poor and so selective turnout evolved from the system. They are put in place various measures, other Statoa state, some come to establish the polling stations in places such as pocoappetibili local municipal prison and basements. But the big delleesclusioni is achieved in two ways: by requiring the City Hall in specificaregistrazione as a voter - which expires in the absence of even two elezioniconsecutive - and do not require payment of lost time to go to votareda part of employers, which in fact did not pay him (as happened loscorso November 2, Business Day, on the other hand the elections maifissate not on Sundays). This excludes the case from 50 to 75% of aventiteoricamente law, this excludes the poorest. It 's a desired effect. U.S. Ipolitici complain every time the low turnout, but the fact is that if the voters are starting to show a consistentetendenza to vote en masse, then other measures would be taken to restore the electorate praticiaggiuntivi the number and composizionevoluta.
But what is truly significant, the subtlety that must davveroafferrare, that this is so poor and so selective turnout evolved from the system. They are put in place various measures, other Statoa state, some come to establish the polling stations in places such as pocoappetibili local municipal prison and basements. But the big delleesclusioni is achieved in two ways: by requiring the City Hall in specificaregistrazione as a voter - which expires in the absence of even two elezioniconsecutive - and do not require payment of lost time to go to votareda part of employers, which in fact did not pay him (as happened loscorso November 2, Business Day, on the other hand the elections maifissate not on Sundays). This excludes the case from 50 to 75% of aventiteoricamente law, this excludes the poorest. It 's a desired effect. U.S. Ipolitici complain every time the low turnout, but the fact is that if the voters are starting to show a consistentetendenza to vote en masse, then other measures would be taken to restore the electorate praticiaggiuntivi the number and composizionevoluta.
Insommaanche these elections have shown that in the U.S. in the mid and dellapopolazione passes, half passes and potentially poorer and more eager dicamba radical, is actually prevented from voting. Regarding gliesclusi from voting for judicial reasons, are not really as I said a few: negliUsa there are about 3.5 million and a number of prisoners paroled (house arrest) calculated between 2.5 and 4, 5 million, for a total ranging from 6 to 8 milionidi all private individuals by law the right to vote, if you calculate leloro families, who normally follow their destiny, we have nearly 20 million individuals officially excluded from public life, almost 20 million pariah.
- Quindinon is the only impediment to voting ...
There lapreselezione upstream of the parties. In the U.S. there are theoretically a trentinadi political parties, including a CommunistParty with U.S. headquarters in New York, but as you know you made the elezioniriescono to present only two parties only and always, always the same, and the Republican ilDemocratico. And they are two sides of the same coin, in which the duepartiti inevitably, to give the impression of a minimum dicompetizione of political ideas, divided the category of the rich. There sonodubbi that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party rappresentanoentrambi the rich: the Republican candidate in this election was GeorgeBush, oil rich Texas oil family, and candidatodemocratico was John Kerry, husband of Teresa Heinz, widow and heiress delmultimiliardario King of vinegar (vinegar Heinz), among other things, the deceased was unSenatore (not surprising since all but its all sonomiliardari U.S. Senators, as David Rockefeller and Ted Kennedy to fix the ideas). Anchequesto is an effect wanted: this is the result of a study of the electoral mechanism dellapresentazione parties, that to succeed devonoimpiegare super organization established and huge financial resources; nonc'e 'even hope to see him in contention, therefore, the Communist Party USA: ineffective is not even a real little parties, but an FBI office in disguise perschedare the suckers who sign up (but now does not do it any more).
- What is the final victory of Bush?
C'èinnanzitutto a cultural consideration to be done. A consideration culturalee also moral. Bush's victory is despite the fact that shortly before delleelezioni a study in the U.S. itself had revealed that U.S. attack on Iraq began its by Bush in March 2003 almeno100.000 had caused deaths among Iraqis, mostly civilians , namely women, bambiniecc. So it seems that the American electorate has forgiven Bush unacarneficina of such proportions, which becomes even more disturbing to our very conscience if you think that the U.S. is known that the attack on Iraq took place without any valid reason, and indeed is the case for sordid reasons, such as robbery Iraqi oil as well as attaining a position to make further assaults avanzateper robbery, perhaps against the neighboring Iran.Ebbene yes, the American electorate has canceled all its what GeorgeBush, told voters that he did not care about those deaths. It 's a tristeverità and is not new. The U.S. has so often been guilty diorrende massacres in the world but the American electorate has never battutociglio, so it was with the extermination of the Indians (Native Americans), with ibombardamenti of cities in WWII (World War II), with Japan atomichesul , with 4 million of civilian casualties caused in the War diCorea, with 6 million caused by the Vietnam, with 300,000 dellaprima Gulf War against Iraq ordered by Bush's father, and so on. In cases tuttiquesti the American electorate has decided that those massacres were perconquistare benefits for the U.S. that would have turned into vantaggiconcreti for him, even if small, for example, would have paid that nonetheless had to import bananas or here, just the oil . The problem Eche the U.S. electorate (in the sense that the electorate is to vote) is formed by grandemaggioranza WASP - WhiteAnglo Saxon Protestants, that is, white Anglo-Saxon and religioneprotestante - which are the dominant ethnic group, but are even for an ethnic group that Lesu historical events ha finito per assumere delle caratteristiche psicologichee culturali preoccupanti, pericolose per il resto dell’umanità: oltre allainestinguibile avidità e alla mancanza di altri valori essa infatti evidenziauna mancanza di sensibilità umana, una callosità, in poche parole unaspietatezza che sgomenta. Questa etnia è un problema per il mondo .
- Quindi qualè la valutazione politica della conferma di Bush?
E’ moltosemplice. Gli USA (that is, their leadership, their establishmentche we have seen the hard core of the electorate led dall'elitedegli ultra-rich, which would among other things, too diriferimento shareholders of U.S. multinationals from their foundation, but we say the U.S. perbrevità ) since their foundation perseguitooccultamente have always intended to dominate the world in order to exploit it, physically as well as humanly, to enslave . But sempretrovati have to have to do with powers stronger than themselves, so they do sempretrovato spontaneous part of the country democratic and virtuous isuoi eliminating opponents for high moral reasons (we have various slogans U.S. deivari periods of expansion: self-determination of peoples, Manifest Destiny, Making the world safe for democracy, America arsenal of democracy, etc.). In 1989, however, has disappeared the last of these Powers are stronger and gliUsa are faced with a choice: continue for at least qualchedecennio as before, expanding the influence gradually, or gettaredecisamente the mask, to show what has been , a power sanguinariae determined to enslave all at any cost, even with wars apertaaggressione and perhaps using nuclear weapons? After some years of hesitation, basically the first 6 of Clinton, the Establishment of the United States - whose elements are as tested'uovo Brezinski, Kissinger, Wolfowitz, etc. - decided condeterminazione for the second option: to throw the mask, grab the frustae begin to strike the planet, starting with the weakest. Negliultimi two years Clinton was persuaded to this by turning Lewinski scandal. It was powerful when the true unmodo through the threatened: osarebbe or went to war was fired by the ' impeachment. And Clinton said the war in Kosovo.
- ConGeorge W. Bush this strategy goes on ...
Bushha given the green light to ' autoattentato Twin Towers 11 / 9 / 2001 under which he had a fig leaf to occupy Afghanistan eIraq. Now, re-elected, will continue on the same street. One can only wonder Chisari the next to be attacked, and this may be viadel Iran for its oil but also to eradicate the Khomeini revolution hit the U.S. chetanto pride species (the dominant ethnic group in the U.S. èanche exceptionally vindictive, As already noted in 1834 Alexis deToqueville). We can only say that the world is much better than we siaancora George W. Bush and Kerry the new . Bush is brutal and the world nonha doubts about his intentions. Kerry instead - among others in the classic stiledemocratico - would certainly be most critical, would seek to involve something extra say the allies (NATO and others), and could mislead , say, public opinion .
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