Thursday, March 10, 2011

Designing A Room Around A Wood Stove

Third World War scenario, teams and units

My Sister Was Raped By My Husband

The Mickey Bufalino

The swing of the pendulum against

E ' HistoryThe passed to the scene of the movie Matrix where Agent Smith says that man is a virus. To my generation was taught that the specieumana is just one of many sprouting on the tree of life, that had the most successful evolutionary Cheh, but before that, for centuries, the genteveniva explained that the man is a privileged creature, esomiglianza made in the image of divinity, and therefore a bit 'divine too. Darwin and Galileoprima, ecologists then, they put the record straight, after centuries dioscurantismo bigoted and superstitious. Confrontidell'ambiente on the faults of man in general - and other animals in particular - you potrebberoscrivere encyclopedias. We were generous, we humans, neldistribuire death and destruction in both hands, right and left. AdrianoSofri nodded, years ago, the fact that we live in an age dipentimento. In the sixties, born WWF el ' IUCN. In the seventies were born alcunedelle most important Italian animal rights associations, including the LAV probably sull'ondaemotiva of bad that we had done for centuries the nature and the knowledge that bisognavainvertire the trend, that is, repent and try to fix it. I'm rethinking this age of cresciutoin sulnostro place in the world and our responsibility deglialtri against animals.

dicritica In this vicious toward our species, is part of the birth of ' ELF (Earth LiberationFront ), which represents the so-called " Deep Ecology, Ecology delprofondo. In Italy has not taken hold, but in the USA 'In fact' that suoiattivisti, as well as calls for end of mankind and cheer lepandemie in concrete sabotaged bulldozers of loggers and planted chiodinei trunks of trees, causing damage to chainsaws waves evitarel'abbattimento the trees themselves and the resulting deforestation. DiIorio Some ended up in prison.

stessaottica Also in the last year has been released in Germany on the animated film " Animalsunited . Usually do not watch animated film, but the friend who mel'ha downloaded from the internet told me it contained an ecological message. Einfatti animals of the savanna, which had been removed the water with a dam lacostruzione, oppose the tyranny of man and finevincono. The message è chiaro: perseguendo i suoi interessi, l’uomo, o megliocerti uomini con tanto di nomi e cognomi, causano morte e distruzione aun’infinità di altre creature, mettendo a rischio la stessa sopravvivenza dellanostra specie.

Dicevo che sonocresciuto in un’epoca di pentimento, ma siccome gli eventi si susseguono aritmi incalzanti in un fluire del tempo sempre più compresso e frenetico, stoassistendo al ripensamento del ripensamento ovvero a un ritorno del pendolodella Storia in direzione opposta. Se i forum di discussione su internet sonoattendibili, as a signal of the cultural trends of humanity (at least diquella that has Internet access), then latendenza is to put everything indiscussione , returning to positions that were thought dead and buried, that is outdated.

This is conl'Olocausto, questioned by so-called Holocaust deniers, with the ' evolution of living things, called into question by the creationists and the animals and protect necessitàdi Environment, questioned by some complottisti.Dei deniers and creationists do not intend to speak here because the loroobiettivi me are clear: impose eugenic theories of Nazism erinsaldare the faltering faith in the existence of God On conspiracy invecevorrei say a few words. Skipped the question of what could be a riscaldamentoglobale found Al Gore and his advisers perricavare economic benefits through taxes and other requests for funds. It 's a bit like the case with natural disasters on which so many people eat and earn whatever theorigin, in fact, the nature of the disaster. Jump, then, the "Global Warming" and goes on to consider other aspects that seem to me a disturbing and tantinoparanoici.

Take the New Age , for example. As far as I know, ecology is a philosophy that goes back to the old desire for a harmonious world, based on unrapporto peacefully with the environment. Potrebbeessere the modern version of the hippie philosophy of flower anniSessanta . So far, I do not see anything wrong, but I happened to leggerecommenti of people who attend the so-called alternative sites qualiassociano the New Age the Masons, the elite world of the bankers secretly epetrolieri that govern the world and even to the reptilians. That is, when you do not know and things you want at all costs to match the company glieventi and generally the phenomena of the human spirit, with proprieidee, it makes a forced manicheistica and divides the world into good bad in those who loves life and the planet we live on and who hates Lavita and would destroy the world. Strangely, for me, environmentalists and New Agefiniscono to be ranked among the necrophiliacs who want maledell'umanità. Just as Darwin and the Masons, who want to destroy the Catholic laChiesa, along with the whole of Christianity. Obviously, the web travelers, a lot of people who have established a priori that the Catholic Church andthe Christianity are on the side of good and those "against" passanoautomaticamente that of Evil. So WWF, ecologists in gender and children of the hippies, because perjury and lying, even if say they love the Earth and its inhabitants, actually want to destroy this beautiful blue planet magaritrasferirsi on another planet on board ships that have ready daqualche part.

variation on the theme, instead of spaceships with the engine running, we are ready to receive them, underground bunkers to limited capacity, which fioredell'umanità fill the flower when it unleashed the World TerzaGuerra or l 'Apocalypse final. To support the latter view, have been brought into play also banchedei seeds in Norway and other parts of the world that the survivors would adisposizione when you want to start again with laciviltà human.

Nonso Animals also excluded from the crossfire of this kind of conspiracy, in which momentoin advocate the widespread use of microchip for dogs and cats, it is assumed that poichési the anticameradell'obbligo microchip implant for all men and beasts. If - loconfesso - the idea of \u200b\u200ba microchip implanted under the skin gives me fastidioanche me, imagine that the registry is a demonic dog disottoporre attempt at total control of all mankind by the powerful, which mines controlled by other means, it seems to me to pull hair. Obviously, this kind of conspiracy does not have a meaning and a pragmatic view dellecose. Should ask how many dogs were saved thanks to the microchip, dogs that had escaped or been abducted, but had their cartad'identità in City Hall and has been recovered and returned to the proprietariograzie inmediately recognition. The medal around the neck can always staccarsi.Anche recent dramatic stories of children abducted or disappeared, however, might lead to conspiracy peralcuni delmicrochip mandatory for children, a prelude to that for adults. And that's it! Suquest'ultimo point I do not pronounce it, but it could risolverelasciandola optional, or who are parents to decide whether their children impiantarloai two or four legs.

less critical of the WWF, fondatoda princes of royal blood who love hunting and whose advice direttivisedevano also responsible for aziendeinquinanti as ICMESA , had already been made by Dario Paccini nellontano 1972. But the accusations that you thought had been superseded and digested, devonoaver caught in a creeping, underground if, nowadays, ciritroviamo with a slice of web users who not only puts the WWF and glizoofili favorable to the microchip, but also other environmental groups osingoli individuals who take the same positions, from the bad guys, and inevitably ends up putting the healthy farmers, hunters, fishermen and heirs of local traditions, the good guys. I do not tanks!

For me, though possonoaver reason murky origins of the WWF, I can not chel'evoluzionismo accept, the conservationists and animal rights, advocated the latter, by philosophers such as Singer and Regan venganonon only look with suspicion, but criticized for being instruments of Freemasonry , of \u200b\u200b'élitemondialista or even reptilian. Guest lascianoil such drastic change anything. In fact, leave many people bewildered and confused, unable to decide for themselves and, in a word, at the mercy of the first pazzoche passes. And that screams louder than the others.

If ever there uncomplotto against humanity, this confusion of roles and intentions, multiplied and repeated endlessly, in a sort of madman copy paste, that's exactly what those in power (those who ilpianeta have always exploited and devastated) want to achieve. Voglionodividere the masses and rule over them, as they do for centuries. Voglionocontinuare to exploit natural resources to the last drop of oil and human blood (metaphorically speaking because of vampires that reptilian nonsappiamo farcene). They want the truth seekers you Fattoria and the Casale throats, in a kind of game in the massacre of all against all, against StampaLibera ComeDonChisciotte , Tanker Enemy against Luogocomune , Zretblog against Franceschetti and Freda .

And while the fed bankers are laughing , deeply immersed in armchair lorocomode. The uninformed, they have unleashed on the web, riportanoamene stories of dirty laundry washed in public and anecdotes grotteschi.Resoconti of insults, processes the intentions and took of posizioneinquisitoriali. Peremptory catastrophic weather-lafantasia messianic and so, in this era not only of repentance but also of disappearance deivalori traditional, is able to give birth. CICAP last but not least, thank you.

The pendulum of Storiasarà also inevitable that you go back, but we must also relinquish alproprio intellect and ability to judge, this then no. Not good! Ameno that the confusion that reigns among the frequenters of siticomplottisti not the result of chemical sprays that infliggonodall'alto, on board aircraft anonymous. In this case, by dint of farcirespirare substances of which only they know the true nature, we are stoned all many, including we who claim to be more awake of others, the amorphous mass that knows nothing and wants to know nothing.

God forbid lamontagne of debates on the web does not give birth to a mouse buffalo. A bufalaplanetaria. Or maybe yes, why not, we hope that it was all a dream unbrutto .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Of Refund Ticket

The "stories" TNEPD of it 's never esistitafino today but already' begins to assume a certain form. I called her "stories" because '"history" seemed pretentious. Middle = 5 * 1'6 :


- I Had A Dream [1 post] _ a dreamy experience as alienale reconstructing events of the last eight million years, roughly.

- Figlidi God, Chernobyl or only brothers of Saddam? [1 post] _ an overview of alternative hypotheses on originidell'umanita '.

- flying wing truth '[Beta version subject to change] [1 post] _ the title speaks for itself'.

- Manualedi Risiko [3 posts] _ degliultimi four thousand years history as novelty military

- InItalia [7 posts] _ misadventures dellostivale more 'beautiful in the world since World War II to Tangentopoli PIU' under:


- Chie 'Dr. Mengele (la) in (o) CULA (in) mice billion helpless? [1 post] _ considerations on the positions of players, Suchi that lies ahead and who is behind it.

- TerzaGuerra World: present and future war zones [1 post] Chart _ a forecast on the prevalence of conflicts nelmondo and suggestions on where to hide.


- UnaExit Strategy from this world [1 post] _ hypothesis building to escape the Apocalypse.

- 12/21/2012: Kit to be prepared [1 post] _ un promemoria utile a non farsi cogliere di sorpresa.

* soluzione: segue l’indice .


Cheers Beer Mug Clip Aret

Stories [20] The best post ... Far other

Dal momento che ne leggo tantiogni day - and many would rather avoid - the savings and selection of reader lafatica me to copy, summarize, and links. Lilinko just in random order. It must be said that the material increases Avista good eye. There is' wake-up scent in the air. Over the last few days worth of click valevala:

Fabio Chiusi: The industriadella repulsion
Altra News: Microchipumano
Paolo Franceschetti: Perche’fu rapito Aldo Moro
Joy of Shipwrecks: Perche'studiare?

Of TNEPD instead I sonopiaciuti:

old glories:


Life In Singapore In 1970s

dust with the shovel

"After ministrodella Defense German baron zu Guttenberg , accused horrible crime of having plagiarized part of his texts didottorato (but the use of quotation marks holy, no, pirlone of a baron?) after French Foreign Minister Madame Michele Alliot-Marie , guilty ditroppe visits with the deposed tyrant Tunisian Ali Ben including free holidays and trip to Minzolini dunquedimissionaria and now also the rampant ministrodegli Japanese Foreign SeijiMaheara , candidate for the future Premier's chair resigns because some funding hapreso election by a businesswoman who fingevagiapponese but were Korean, so foreign.

Horror. The Puritan moralists giustizialisticromwelliani headhunters sistanno taking over the world. (...)"

I agree with Vittorio Zucconi, and 'act in a clean sweep.
We will shovel the manure with a shovel, elsewhere sileva dust with a damp cloth.
would not make sense to dust with the shovel.


Need Company Slogans Landscape

The last order

Among the few precepts on which you can oggettivamentefondare the charisma of a good leader is one of the 'last order routine of the day. " It is a practice too often sottovalutatanonostante be able to produce extraordinary benefits tradatore interaction and employee wages.

The longstanding problem of motivational support aldipendente a fixed salary has often been resolved or partially resolved through the use of the system or result in approvvigionale applicazionedi with a mixed system. The primary economic incentive works almost always underestimated if mapeccheremmo apportomotivazionale produced by the charisma of a good leader and conseguenterisparmio loss resulting from less need for monetary incentives aldipendente a fixed salary. The practice of the last order for this purpose can be thought of a tool in the management dellacondotta next to the indispensability of an effective leader. It is to give an order of routine that the employee perform as salariatodebba operazionedella last day before leaving the workplace . The nature of the taleordine routine not affattocasuale. It should have a use or a determination by the caposuccessiva hours of work and the employee prior to quellosuccessivo. Here are some examples.

The last order of the day from routine partedel landlord to his home would be: "And before Dianda, every day, prepares a tray of fresh fruit and let infrigorifero. "Then when the landlord will consume the fruit and shells ... this is not the affairs of the home the next day will ilvassoio vacuum and will seek to fill it for the next evening.
The last order of the day routine delcapoufficio employee might be, " And before you leave every night to leave the report of day on my desk. "Nothing matters Sepoi the boss will read it or not, just move it from the center dellascrivania the pillow on the sofa or register to convince impiegatoche the report has been thoroughly studied in the evening.

examples of excellent recent orders giornatasono multiple and changing contours depending on the tasks of the employee asalario fixed. What matters most is that the nature of the order provides use or a review by delcapo in the period in which the employee does not work . Overifica such use must be shown the next day in the eyes of the employee, as also described in the examples.

The benefits of this practice are endless. Necitiamo someone. First, the employee generally scarsamentemotivato from fixed salary, will think that his boss read, test, utilizziciò that he has prepared as the last day of the operation as routine ultimoordine of fact. Menoconsapevolmente or more repeatedly and more or less, the employee will return the object apensare order. During leisure penseràall'ambiente work, especially his boss, knowing that his ultimodovere is subject to observation, to use, but in the opinion sapendoquando and not with that outcome. Depending on the charisma of the general good leader, the statodel employee in his spare time will therefore be: quiet, talvoltapensieroso, occasionally worried, occasionally irritable, anxious, very anxious, stressed, traumatically stressed. If the manager has diadeguato charisma, whatever is the condition of the worker, this practice has, however tradipendente a bond with fixed wage to workplace during leisure .

The home of the first example would esseretranquilla because, finding the empty tray every morning claims that the house has eaten padronedi fruits and were satisfied. When the padronevorrà communicate his dissatisfaction, he has only lasciareparte fruit on the tray to cause the resulting preoccupazionenella home. The clerk of the second example, seeing the relazionelasciata moved to the center of the desk the night before, will think that it siastar read by the head in the evening. If the boss does not present any objections impiegatosarà the quieter, but if the boss was not satisfied, would lamiglior opportunity to put employees in a position of inferiority dalsuo early arrival, early morning, at a glance.

Some leaders tend to simulate dissatisfaction constantly to lift the state of stress employees. Ultimately, the state of stress for employees, sullascala quiet-traumatic, tends to align up to be the same delcapo but has the option of lowering their status ditranquillo acting inversely to that of its employees. In any case ... goal dominant praticadell'ultimo order condizionareil routine is dependent, in different degrees of anxiety, thinking about work, suocapo, his duty, even during non-working time . Nell'adeguatolasso time between order execution and confirmation of its adequacy ildipendente will feel on trial, under observation, even when potrebbeessere free to think of something else.

Another positive effect is the result of the practice dell'ultimoordine belief of subordinates that the leader lavoripiù them. The charisma of the good leader will greatly benefit from this practice, even if the order was completely unnecessary and verification does not happen.

This raises the exception of animals of considerable unnumero manage subordinates. A wealthy landlord can having a chef with a handful of servants and certainly can not eat five trays difrutta every night. The order may relate to cook the fruit and LaDonna cleaning the order might be, for instance, let fioresul a pillow of the bed the next morning that it has been evidentementerimosso. A boss may have to do with dozens of employees and nonsarebbe realistic read dozens of reports every night. For example, the secretary could give the order to call the bar angle edordinare a sandwich and a cup of hot coffee to be delivered after the secretary's own lapartenza (nb The good leader always leaves the place last warp and only) .
praticadell'ultimo The order is often confused with the harmful dell'ordineposticipato . It is expected to occupy the leisure deldipendente so ordered to be held during the organization nonlavorativo. This practice is extremely dangerous and only occasionally good capidall'elevato charisma can afford without provocareeffetti amotivational in employee wage. Absolutely edi most benign effect is rather to be the practice of the last order if benapplicata. It is modular, flexible, free of charge.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oj And Cream Of Tarter To Quit Smoking

Elicina? No, thank you! January '11 ♥ ♥

Crema Elicina Forse qualcuno non conoscerà l'esistenza di questa crema a base di bava di lumaca (sì, avete letto bene!) che promette risultati miracolosi contro:

  • Segni dell'acne

  • Cicatrici

  • Smagliature

  • Bruciature

  • Macchie

  • Rughe

Elicina Crema è l'originale crema nutritiva ai mucopolisaccaridi di lumaca che contiene, in forma naturale e biodisponibile, sette degli elementi più importanti per il benessere della nostra pelle (allantoina, collagen, elastin, glycolic acid, protein, vitamins and purifying peptides).
Improves pigmentation spots, with its cleaning action of the pores and consequent return to natural color. Removes dead skin cells, nourishes with natural collagen and elastin, smooths and softens with the help dell'allantoina. Daily use for all skin types and adjuvant treatments for acne, stretch marks, sun spots, wrinkles and scars. The pack of 40 grams is sufficient for applications a month (in smaller areas like the face), allowing you to try with your own eyes his undoubted quality.

80% Helix aspersa Muller Extract. Paraffinum liquidum. Propylene Glycol. Stearic Acid. Cetyl Alcohol. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Diazolidinyl Urea. Methylparaben. Propylparaben. Triethanolamine.


Although I was happy and satisfied with my new routine facial , just over a month ago I decided buying a jar 40 g of this cream to fight the small scars that I had around the chin. Since then I've used it every day in the evening after my make-up.
As you can see (and as I had pointed out many girls on facebook fanpage) questa crema ha al secondo posto fra gli ingredienti la paraffina liquida , che è un elemento da un pallino rosso (tutti gli altri ingredienti, a parte il primo, sono rossi e uno solo è giallo). Ma io, imperterrita, ho voluto dare credito a tutte le recensioni positive che avevo letto, visto e ascoltato (persino Clio!) e ho continuato a usarla quotidianamento per più di un mese.

Subito mi sono accorta che la consistenza della crema era molto pesante. Nonostante io ne mettessi pochissima e la facessi assorbire bene, la mattina mi svegliavo con il viso unto e lucido. Sul sito di Elicina consigliano addirittura di usarla al mattino, ma per la mia pelle mista sarebbe un vero disastro!

Dopo a couple of days have appeared in the first pimples. I thought it was normal, write on the site ...

The effect of purifying the snail can sometimes cause the accumulation of impurities under the skin at one point only after which will be released by the exfoliating cream. Please note that this usually happens after the first applications. If the problem persists (after approximately one week) and pimples do not disappear, discontinue use of Elicina.

So I continued to use it every night. But not just the pimples did not disappear, they reappear in unusual areas of the face such as cheeks or around the eyes. Tutti non facevano altro che notare i peggioramenti della mia pelle! Avevo brufoli ovunque, sulle guance, sul mento, sulla fronte, e adesso anche sugli zigomi e sotto agli occhi!

Allora ho cominciato a pensare seriamente che questa crema non facesse per me. Ho la netta, nettissima, sensazione che la paraffina liquida sulla mia pelle annulli totalmente l'azione miracolosa della bava di lumaca. Sì, credo proprio di essere intollerante alla paraffina liquida!

Quindi, l'ho ovviamente abbandonata.

Soltato da due giorni ho ripreso la mia vecchia routine di pulizia serale (olio struccante e crema idratante Sephora) e la mia pelle è già più liscia, meno impura e più luminosa.

The only regret is that he threw € 42. Yes, the snail if they pay dearly!

Full Lentgh Trifold Mirror

How did I remove an article of the Republic

look at what they write today (March 6, 2011) on Republic about Libya (obviously not subscribed Republic of Chesio partial feeds, in every sense ... well, I found the article here ).

Libya was a day of civil war and propaganda, between leinformazioni distributed by the regime diGheddafi and counter insurgents.

[good start. The target and 'immediately clear. The lettoreda indoctrinate and 'left-handed, and' one who reads the Republic but also lacontroinformazione and these days the word "counter" is very dimoda. Thus, 'the bad design (the Gaddafi regime) disseminate propagandamentre young people react with counter-insurgency that is both glamorous . The aim of the first sentence is' let the reader hear the side of twittaroli Soros.]

A Sunday that sees the dawn loyalists Gaddafi in Tripoli to shoot in the air of a successful counteroffensive cheavrebbe reported under the control of the cities east Rais, Misurata, Zawiya, the oil port of Ras Lanuf, after a night of battle, a prelude to the march to Benghazi, the capital of the 'other Libya.

[Fedelissimi and 'a term which bodes sianopochi (loyalists are always a few, by definition). C'e'gia then discover that 'another Libya, a North African Padania has even a novella capital. A Republic, ilsecessionismo Libyan pleases far more 'than the Italian.]

Joy premature. The day, in fact, ends with the NazionaleLibico Council, a body of government and coordination of opposition forces aGheddafi, announcing that not only measures and Zawiya, but all cittàdell'oriente Libya had been "liberated " after rejecting the attacks of the green. And now you point west to recover and return Jawad Bin aminacciare Tripoli.

[In short, Each claims that today has more 'points other. So far the Republic tells us the two versions but does not tell us that most qualesia 'congruent to reality'. We have some source other than quelleparti from the press office of an NGO from Soros? I know, a left ..? The esecutoredell'articolo and does not tell us what 'happened, but it makes us understand that being partebisogna also not knowing. Three lexical choices in this paragraph (released, you point and recover) lead the reader to take sides with the rebels.]

To support its version of events in the evening, the National Council Libicomanda a spokesman in press conference in Benghazi. Persmentire the regime's propaganda and also to reveal the ofa yellow background: the capture of eight British citizens by the rebels.

[In short, the troops of Muammar, instead of weaving astutetrame propaganda of the regime, sparacchiano affettandokebab to the streets of Tripoli and the CNL is of sound and robust communication. What do ribellidopo have lost (or recovered, go to know) the cities' Europe? A bellaconferenza release - there will be 'was an envoy of the Republic? - Smascherarela for regime propaganda, that 'those who facendobaldoria meanwhile, are in place and not think about it a long shot. In contrast, this baby CNLha already 'a magagnetta to solve ... Who were these eight British never?]

event that London would not comment, then finally admits. This is unamissione diplomatic [Ah! Ah! Ah!] escorted by members of the SAS [But it '?], The forzespeciali of His Majesty, entered the country with the aim of contact the Council Libyan National .

The Videogame inspired SAS
you feel the spirit of humanitarianism?

[ie, 'a British military squad entratoclandestinamente on Libya to contact the CNL. But if questipossono hold a press conference, send a spokesman to the right and misses, there chebisogno 'of illegally enter on a war footing to get Uncontacted with them? Mah ..]

"They were entered into modoirregolare without passports - said a spokesman for the CNL, Hafiz Ghoga - we did not want to talk to them, losing a signal to the country. To say that the insurgency and 'spontaneous internal .

[How little you consider your hucksters, amicilettori the mainstream press . Now they realize they, too, up to the office, you are lobotomizzati.Queste once you understand things left were the first considerazioneovvia that the reader was reading at the end. To understand ... a few years ago inbocca This Gogh would put something like this: "They were joined in an irregular manner - says spokesman - and we did not want us to do fare.Libia free!" point. We think you, then, to add that if avevanofatto so 'then they were hard and pure, not tied by outside influences. Inveceoggigiorno I'll just have to explain in detail otherwise there arrivi.Te do so by a spokesman for the Libyan say that all history and 'a messinscenae is reduced to a signal, ie a communicative event, ie that has the propaganda.Che or not, that there is a different version for each of one or editorial, in any case the phrase put into the mouth of this HafizGhoga and 'paradoxical' cause if you think about it, assumes that the rebels giovanisocial spontaneous, at this time of urban riots and military diguerriglia, have a good press office informing them about public umoridell'opinione who has doubts about their spontaneity 'and So, faced to the opportunity 'of a meeting with a delegation militareinglese entered illegally on Libyan soil just to talk to them, a move scelgonodi implement communication instead of a diplomatic meeting. Rifiutanodi negotiate in order to send a signal to the country's sincerity 'of lorointenzioni. E 'illogical, fuck, to me it seems completely senseless. Not loe 'if you evaluate the hypothesis it's all hype or even untotale birth fantasy. tuttoquesto If there 'is not a signal' to the country of Libya, but for you who read , in your use and consumption.]

The eight were signed and sent back to Britain, where ilministro of Foreign Affairs, William Hague, confirmed all, framing the mission in a broader humanitarian erilancia " tried again, bisognarafforzare dialogue."

[for "more 'broad piano umanitario” temo si intendal’invasione della Libia, in questa dichiarazione c’e’ la conferma che gliinglesi l’attuerannoa breve . Non vedono l’ora, d’altronde bisogna rafforzare il dialogo.]

Gheddafi, però, non si lascia sfuggire l'occasione di " svergognare " i suoi nemici. La tvdi Stato diffonde l'intercettazione di un colloquiotelefonico tra un ex ambasciatorebritannico a Tripoli e Mustafa Abdel Jalil, ex ministro della Giustizia libico e attuale capo del Consiglionazionale dell'opposizione. The voice attributed to the diplomat britannicosostiene that their compatriots were caught Inai military experts sent to the rebels.

[conspiracy-tone characterizes gossiparo ilparagrafo dedicated to the best approximation of the truth ', that does not mean puo'non as obvious and implied, therefore, be diminished. We have: shame, spreads (rather than forward), and a pair of interception ex.Il everything to complicate the obvious. The obvious' that a team of British military and 'was sent in support ribelli.Questo and' the problem, my gosh! British military experts sent supportoai rebels. By whom? By the British government? It 'an act of war. Serviziall'insaputa by the government? Then the British government does not count a chip. Fact is that the regular army should be without them and caught - Muammar good - not even lihanno shot. They were returned to the sender. Instead of the gesture far ringraziareper discount Rais, those ungrateful and spontaneigiovani revolutionary (or secession? Do not understand a bat) and external unrelated dainfluenze let us say, really gullible, we also embroider cifanno above and press conferences by inviting reporters and international agencies. That's right ...]

In contrast, during the press conference in Benghazi, a spokesman for the CNL the proposed plan seems to open dalpresidente Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, on a mission of peace that average drill. Proposal in recent days seemed to have been rejected dagliinsorti. "Nobody has ever contacted - Hafiz says Ghoga - what allanostra answer depends on what is offered. And in any case we act for the people . Lerichieste And the people can not be ignored."

[Eye 'cause here comes another key concept. Noiagiamo for the people. That is the revolution not 'in hand to the people but CNLche acts for the people. Gosh, these young marchers square etwittaroli (who knows 'which is struggling to find a connection these days ... oh, no ...' s true, do press conferences) they have made the party and sonoautoproclamati voice of the people and and talk 'then spokesman vocedel people. But who and 'this is said magnanimously willing Ghoga aparlare with Chavez - if it prompts you before course, not like the English - and' ilportavoce whom? The secessionists of Cyrenaica? Muslim Brotherhood (which were once the quintessential bad and yet now, it looks a bit ', have become good)? Or maybe some of the students' anti-system and a network that po'social much like the Western public and particularly ailettori certain editorial guidelines?]

Hafiz Gogh
Still diplomacy. On Libya before the extraordinary meeting of the Heads of Government apprenticeships and next Friday, the capodella diplomacy Catherine Ashton EU sent a mission to Tripoli, four officials, led by the Italian hub Agostino, director of the service since last dicembremanaging EU response to crises. ATripoli arrived today, the mission will start again tomorrow after a series of meetings and inspections field. It dellaprima international mission since the violence. The mission uncarattere technical, aimed at gathering information on site andnot to negotiate with the authorities. Among the objectives, cittadinieuropei check how many are still in Libya, who wish to leave, have a quadropreciso of foreign workers in Libya still wishing andarsene.All 'examination, finally, the demands on the needs of humanitarian aid .

[When I read "humanitarian aid" through my back a brividodietro. Among other things I did not understand, but the EU can 'mandaremissioni in Tripoli, in time of the alleged civil war, without asking ilparere the Libyan government, which Gaddafi? Asked him for permission? Avra \u200b\u200b'not tell you'..?]

Meanwhile, Democratic Community in Italy's Libyan complaint the arrival in our country of a hundred agents of the regime of Gaddafi, who posing as students, are preparing to stage demonstrations delregime to the embassy in Rome and the Consulate in Milan. The Community gave to states have information that would give students the false aPerugia already.

[And here we have the final comic, all around you, a friend of the consumer mainstream stories . It adds texture to an imaginary community 'Democratic Libyan in Italy, a essersicostituita think tank that has in recent days (mica will escort the 100 to 80 € ormaiconvertite Islam?). These come to the rescue of the CDL popoloitaliano and warn are coming one hundred secret agents of the "regime" Libyan disguised as students to make protests InItalia! I mean, ' Let us realize ... but if you think Gaddafi had centoagenti secrets available to young and healthy, we will send afar in Italy on Sunday with marches and metalworkers piddini? But we're kidding? What has the revolution at home and in your opinion right now is concerned about asking his staff to wave placards in front of a palace in Milan? Wake up! Wake up! There would then be to understand how we would come to Perugia questilibici and decrypt the reason for which they are mentioned in Rome, Milan and Perugia. I doubt it is coincidental.]

But let the juice. Questoarticolo of the Republic, which I assume to be an editorial, and 'pure propaganda. As such, aisuoi times and for other reasons, the fund was Padellaro I carry 'ascribed questopezzo . pure propaganda. Propaganda . It 'clear?

Well, not 'here on the blogosphere we can remove them all, one by one, the articles of the Republic, delCorriere of Done and all the others. Ecchediamine!

take it in once and for all who are caciaballe treacherously from beginning to end.

E quit it.