Thanks to the patient lavorone done in DAC ciclope_strabico and all the guys who helped DAC research on "Accidents phrases" that you see
can make some observations about what's new about today's accident. Of course I also thank
Tavajigen who gave me the inspiration for what follows.
Then, as you can see, the page displays the occurrences of each phrase and accident rates on the duration of the accident. I proceeded to rearrange them according to the event code back to it with the list you see here and so here's the table for Event Code (91 to 96, with descriptions from _1 to _5 to describe the same event). There is a column of the cases in red and the number "+1" to "+9" accident (which corresponds to the week for the younger players)
can make some observations about what's new about today's accident. Of course I also thank
Tavajigen who gave me the inspiration for what follows.
Then, as you can see, the page displays the occurrences of each phrase and accident rates on the duration of the accident. I proceeded to rearrange them according to the event code back to it with the list you see here and so here's the table for Event Code (91 to 96, with descriptions from _1 to _5 to describe the same event). There is a column of the cases in red and the number "+1" to "+9" accident (which corresponds to the week for the younger players)
then multiplying by the number of cases% Total number of cases date back to the individual
at this point we can group the individual cases based on the specific event, ignoring the distinctions by description from _1 to _5 and then get the numbers for the event codes under consideration (missing numbers 90 and 94 refer to the simple "patches")
- 91 ONLY light Injury
- 92 ONLY serious Injury Accident
- 93 alone without replacement
- 95 Injury
- FOUL FOUL 96 Injury no substitute
Then see the distribution of% of accidents according to the week
and see that just under 37% of players injured, "+1", 23.3% have a "+2", and so on ... distribution can be represented with a graph
course can be analyzed in detail and see the corresponding event by event%
course Event 91, relating to the accident of short duration has a distribution completely different from 92, relating to serious injury. This graph of data above
Today was released a note saying " With these findings we can now say that injury longer than +4 will no longer exist - continued the spokesman. Any serious injury that used to take a long time hours will be limited to +4. We think this will be a relief for all physicians and managers of the teams. "
come poi precisato da flameron nel forum Global
" The +5 and more are not possible at all. We did not decrease the overall injury frequency due to this. We have the same number of injuries as before. The distribution did not change as well, besides a minor addition of short term injuries (+1) which are equal to the number of injuries removed (+5 and above). "
Chiaro e limpido, tutti gli infortuni da +5 a +9 diventano +1.
Quindi ragionando sui numeri visti sopra i cambiamenti sono, per quanto riguarda i Totali
distributions unchanged from +2 to +4, and i +1 that collect all values \u200b\u200bfrom +5 to +9 +11% going to make 48% of the total. In a nutshell from now on, broken up two players, one will be +1. The graph shows the change of the distributions from the first (blue) to hours (red) disappear from +5 up and increase of 11% +1.
If we look in detail we see that event by event
- no difference to the event code 90
- few differences in rare events 93 and 96 ( +6% of the "+1") and just over 95 for the event
- a real revolution for the event in 1992, that of serious injury ... if things are as I said then about 35% is moved to "+1" with the result that 1 / 3 of the players broke through this event will be "+1", 1 / 3 will be "+3", 1 / 3 will be " +4 ". With the hole of "+2"
PS. take a look at ' CONTENTS of the blog, there are several items that may be of interest.
Andreace (team in Hattrick ID 1730726)
Andreace (team in Hattrick ID 1730726)
This work by Andreace is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- commerciale 3.0 Unported License . Cioé questo lavoro può essere liberamente copiato, distribuito o modificato senza espressa autorizzazione dell'autore, a patto che l'autore sia chiaramente indicato e la pubblicazione non sia a fini commerciali.
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