I wanted to go on a talk started a couple of months ago in this article
http://acandio.blogspot.com/ 2010/07/hattrick-equilibri-finanziari-il.html
to make a few reflections on the economic management team. Not These "certain laws", only that I want to share personal ideas.
As seen in that the only sources of revenue for your company are
http://acandio.blogspot.com/ 2010/07/hattrick-equilibri-finanziari-il.html
to make a few reflections on the economic management team. Not These "certain laws", only that I want to share personal ideas.
As seen in that the only sources of revenue for your company are
- Collections viewers
- Proceeds of sale of players
seen as the first two grow quite content, and then to grow faster than you just have to rely on the sale of players.
If, like me, you are not traders and manage your team with a limited number of market transactions, then you just need to maximize your pink. How to do it?
Let's see if I can explain my point of view.
If, like me, you are not traders and manage your team with a limited number of market transactions, then you just need to maximize your pink. How to do it?
Let's see if I can explain my point of view.
Innanzitutto devo considerare quali fattori incidono sul prezzo del giocatore (indico in grigio le caratteristiche del giocatore su cui non abbiamo alcun potere di modifica, in azzurro gli elementi su cui abbiamo un potere di intervento limitato, in verde quelli che possiamo direttamente modificare):
- Età
- Livello di Forma
- Livello di Resistenza
- Livello di Esperienza
- in misura minore il carattere ( Simpatia, Aggressività, Condotta morale) e in certi casi also the charisma
- Nationality
- Specialty Level (and decimal) of the skill level of the primary
- secondary skills relating to the role
- Seasonal variations Market
- external shocks (the HT editorial)
The Age (and you must keep in mind not only years but also the day) is partially outside of our control, inexorably aging player, but we can decide when to put it on sale.
Form is marked in blue as it can affect the general training, but this workout, as mentioned by HT, it will be removed in the future and then will be placed outside the control of managers.
On Resistance can dip into, but it is a key element in the transaction. Sull'Esperienza have power to amend in the sense that we do play more and gain more experience, but practically only in the case of the "future coach" is a crucial phase in the market.
on character, charisma, national and, especially, we can not do anything, as is born, it dies and the player is not in our control. On
level of primary and secondary hand engrave with the training.
The cyclical variations of the market enable us, if we can take advantage of it, to obtain rates. On external shocks, such as the HT editorial that touch on elements such as the contributions of certain roles or the speed of training we can do nothing, alas, only to suffer.
In essence, what is there to act upon? four parameters, number 1) to 4)
Form is marked in blue as it can affect the general training, but this workout, as mentioned by HT, it will be removed in the future and then will be placed outside the control of managers.
On Resistance can dip into, but it is a key element in the transaction. Sull'Esperienza have power to amend in the sense that we do play more and gain more experience, but practically only in the case of the "future coach" is a crucial phase in the market.
on character, charisma, national and, especially, we can not do anything, as is born, it dies and the player is not in our control. On
level of primary and secondary hand engrave with the training.
The cyclical variations of the market enable us, if we can take advantage of it, to obtain rates. On external shocks, such as the HT editorial that touch on elements such as the contributions of certain roles or the speed of training we can do nothing, alas, only to suffer.
In essence, what is there to act upon? four parameters, number 1) to 4)
- Age (not only years, even days)
- level (and decimal) of the main skill
- level of skill on the secondary role
- Seasonal variations Market
's simple, studying the "compare transfers" (" CT) of the players on sale of building tabelle con cui studiare come varino i prezzi al variare di questi elementi.
Naturalmente occorre ricordare che il CT mette assieme giocatori che hanno 17 anni e 1 giorno con quelli che ne hanno 17 e 111 giorni, giocatori con specialità e giocatori senza, giocatori più o meno in forma, giocatori con molti decimali e giocatori appena scattati. Un calderone in cui vanno a finire giocatori diversissimi e quindi la media è solo un valore di riferimento approssimato. Tuttavia, per quanto impreciso, tale valore fa da riferimento per gli scambi successivi e quindi è un parametro da considerare con la massima attenzione.
Prendiamo un Difensore Centrale e vediamo come varino i prezzi in funzione dei parametri 1) e 2), cioé di età and skill level of the primary, taking the fixed 3) (4 in the secondary direction and the other skills <= a 4, e naturalmente) e il 4), l'analisi è cioé fatta ora e i prezzi saranno diversi da quelli di due settimane fa o di quelli che ci saranno tra due settimane. Si tratta solo di un abbozzo, ma utile per rendere l'idea.
Naturalmente occorre ricordare che il CT mette assieme giocatori che hanno 17 anni e 1 giorno con quelli che ne hanno 17 e 111 giorni, giocatori con specialità e giocatori senza, giocatori più o meno in forma, giocatori con molti decimali e giocatori appena scattati. Un calderone in cui vanno a finire giocatori diversissimi e quindi la media è solo un valore di riferimento approssimato. Tuttavia, per quanto impreciso, tale valore fa da riferimento per gli scambi successivi e quindi è un parametro da considerare con la massima attenzione.
Prendiamo un Difensore Centrale e vediamo come varino i prezzi in funzione dei parametri 1) e 2), cioé di età and skill level of the primary, taking the fixed 3) (4 in the secondary direction and the other skills <= a 4, e naturalmente) e il 4), l'analisi è cioé fatta ora e i prezzi saranno diversi da quelli di due settimane fa o di quelli che ci saranno tra due settimane. Si tratta solo di un abbozzo, ma utile per rendere l'idea.
Thus we see as acceptable in a 17-year-old defense, with four in the control room is traded on the 20k. A good 17-year-old still on 90k, an excellent 360k and so on.
Let 2 forces in action:
Let 2 forces in action:
- The primary change in SKILL , denoted by dS (difference of skill), it shows me what is re-evaluating the player for taking a picture skill. So for the 17 year old: 90-20 = 70K for a good shot, 360-90 = 270k per click to excellent ... etc. Here is a zoom of the previous table that shows me that I see these changes in the lines:
I can make a table that shows me these values:
The change in price variation of skill is, in this table is always positive: the increase in these levels of skill always generates an increase in price (not always the case, for high values \u200b\u200bof skill, such as over 16 the rise of the stipendi tende a provocare riduzioni di prezzo all'aumentare del livello di skill).
Per inciso potremmo dividere tali valori per il numero di settimane che occorrono allo scatto di skill per vedere la resa settimanale, cioè considerare il rapporto dS/settimane necessarie per lo scatto (dato che ad esempio guadagnare 400k con uno scatto che necessita di 4 settimane di allenamento rende 100k a settimana, meglio di guadagnare 600k con uno scatto che ne necessita 8 e rende quindi 600/8=75k a settimana)
Per inciso potremmo dividere tali valori per il numero di settimane che occorrono allo scatto di skill per vedere la resa settimanale, cioè considerare il rapporto dS/settimane necessarie per lo scatto (dato che ad esempio guadagnare 400k con uno scatto che necessita di 4 settimane di allenamento rende 100k a settimana, meglio di guadagnare 600k con uno scatto che ne necessita 8 e rende quindi 600/8=75k a settimana)
Vedete ad esempio come per un 21 enne lo scatto 8 to 9 in defense takes the player from 190k to 555k of value (see Table 1) making a profit of 555-190 = 365k (see Table 2), requiring weeks of training allows a 5:36 guagagno weekly 365k/5.36 = 68.1k weekly. Train a 21-year-old from 12 to 13 ports in defending the player from 1900k to 2430k in value (see Table 1) making a profit of 530k = 2430-1900 (see Table 2), requiring 30.8 weeks of training allows a weekly guagagno 530k / = 63.8k 8.30 per week, less than the previous year. Of course, in these weeks we will have players level much higher than before.
All this is of course if the player in the meantime, a birthday, otherwise we consider the second force in action:
All this is of course if the player in the meantime, a birthday, otherwise we consider the second force in action:
- The Age variation, denoted by dE (age difference), it shows me what is re-evaluating or devalues \u200b\u200bthe player for taking skill. If we look in Table 1 above we see how good that makes 18y.o. changed from a CT value of 90k to 45k, halving its value. If it were excellent would increase from 360k to 255k, 105k losing. Here is a zoom of Table 1 shows these changes that I see in the columns
This table
see the devaluations and revaluations in the red to blue. It may seem strange, but it happens that a player who is older rivals. Sometimes even consistently: an extraordinary 21 years and 111 days worth 860k in CT, the day after that is 1000k ... 140k a day doing nothing, not bad.
are elements to keep in account: if you take a beautiful 18 year old with many days at 2200K and trained hard, I found a wonderful 19 years with a value of 2035k. Not a good deal.
So it should be noted if the current price of the player, which indicates how PATT , equal to the purchase price pACQ with changes of skill and age dS dE is or is not greater than the purchase price. So if
PATT = pACQ + + dS dE> pACQ
In view of the magnificent 19 year old is 2035 +635 = 2200 - 800> 2200 that is false, because dE = 800 is greater of dS = 635. Indeed
pACQ + + dS dE> pACQ can be reduced to dS + dE> 0
the sum of the changes affected the price of the player must be a positive example not seen it is because the depreciation dE is higher than the gain from skill-up dS.
Now the speech should extend also to the secondary, we could build the same tables and study the variations in prices of primary defense lawyers with skills from 6 to 16 and ages 17 to 23 from a level 4 of a director a level 5 and above. I point this difference ds (difference of secondary, "S" capitalized). Without post tables on tables at the end conclude that the sum total of variations must be positive for a gain.
Ditto if we extend the analysis to collect prices week after week. The change in the market must be dM inserita nell'analisi.
Alla fine otterremo che per avere un guadagno deve essere
are elements to keep in account: if you take a beautiful 18 year old with many days at 2200K and trained hard, I found a wonderful 19 years with a value of 2035k. Not a good deal.
So it should be noted if the current price of the player, which indicates how PATT , equal to the purchase price pACQ with changes of skill and age dS dE is or is not greater than the purchase price. So if
PATT = pACQ + + dS dE> pACQ
In view of the magnificent 19 year old is 2035 +635 = 2200 - 800> 2200 that is false, because dE = 800 is greater of dS = 635. Indeed
pACQ + + dS dE> pACQ can be reduced to dS + dE> 0
the sum of the changes affected the price of the player must be a positive example not seen it is because the depreciation dE is higher than the gain from skill-up dS.
Now the speech should extend also to the secondary, we could build the same tables and study the variations in prices of primary defense lawyers with skills from 6 to 16 and ages 17 to 23 from a level 4 of a director a level 5 and above. I point this difference ds (difference of secondary, "S" capitalized). Without post tables on tables at the end conclude that the sum total of variations must be positive for a gain.
Ditto if we extend the analysis to collect prices week after week. The change in the market must be dM inserita nell'analisi.
Alla fine otterremo che per avere un guadagno deve essere
dE + dS + ds + dM > 0
Ci sono quindi 4 modi per avere un guadagno (conservo l'ordine dei numeri messi sopra degli elementi su cui possiamo agire):
- dE rivalutazioni del giocatore in seguito all'invecchiamento, " Age Trading "
- dS rivalutazioni del giocatore in seguito allo scatto di skill primaria, " Skill Trading "
- ds revaluation of the player following the release of secondary skills, "Trading Secondary Skill", if combined with the previous one speaks of "Bi-skillaggio" or "Tri-skillaggio"
- dM revaluations player after market performance, " Season Trading "
course the effect will be the sum of all these elements, which usually positive value for changes in skills, tends to negative changes in age and cyclical than the seasonal market.
There is of course a fifth way to make a profit when you can sell at a higher price to what you bought despite not having changed none of the four elements above. This mode is typical of pure trader is established (although now improperly) "Trading Day . Not deal here with pure trading, as mentioned above, I mention only for the sake of completeness.
There is of course a fifth way to make a profit when you can sell at a higher price to what you bought despite not having changed none of the four elements above. This mode is typical of pure trader is established (although now improperly) "Trading Day . Not deal here with pure trading, as mentioned above, I mention only for the sake of completeness.
But now we move from the standpoint of the individual player to the team as a whole. Let's take a look at the balance sheet of the team: your ACTIVE consists of only two items: the money you have in Fund and the total value of your short list of players (the "total price" of the TEAM, pTEAM ).
The value of the rose pTEAM is the sum of current prices PATT of all components of the rose. If the components are n, then
This is a point to make: what matters is not how much you earn with the skill of your trading allenandi, what counts is the total Asset . You can also gain from the sale of 1000k a great coach fired, but in the meantime if your players are depreciated 4 of the 250k a total value of your assets does not change one iota.
and the assets and the key to the growth of your team.
If the business grows a little, then tomorrow we will have very little money available to strengthen our team, if it grows back much as we need to grow fast and we aim first to ambitious targets. How
varies the activity? Simple. Just look at the formula and see item by item: The Case
- not affected (affected with a very limited accountants who have been recently deleted) money held in cash are unproductive, do not help the growth
- Asset Purchase prices pACQ are historical and therefore fixed.
- the price changes of each player as a result of aging dE (usually a depreciation, negative)
- the price changes of each player's skill as a result of growth of primary dS (usually an appreciation, positive )
- the price changes of each player's skill as a result of growth of secondary ds (usually an appreciation, positive)
- the price changes of each player as a result of market trends dM (cyclic)
To analyze the set of players distinguish two groups of players:
- k players who receive some kind of skill training in primary or secondary ( that indicates " GALL "trained players)
- nk players who do not receive training in primary or secondary skill ( that indicates" gnon-ALL "untrained players)
For example, if I give defense training to 10 players (k = 10) and I have a shortlist of 25 players (N = 25) k = 10 players I have coached (Gallo) and nk = 25-10 = 15 players untrained (gnon-ALL)
So the change in the asset is given by two elements:
E 'is evident as the first element to drive the growth of the team, as the latter tends to be negative and therefore a burden that slows down the process growth. The only thing we can do to make the second element is positive (or less negative as possible) is to try to choose non-coached players who have little depreciation (low dE ) and buy them in times of low market (for a dM favorable ).
These considerations apply of course also for allenandi, for which the depreciation will be an eye dE and market phase dM earnings and the other directed by Allen and dS ds .
For the most growth possible I will have to allocate the resources of the team in the most profitable as possible. Given that the untrained do not guarantee growth, indeed, the brake, the ideal would be possible to target the greater% of the budget in the trained (by the way someone might argue that even the untrained indirectly contribute to the growth of the team, as good performance Team sports may contribute to good results, many fans, promotions, etc., true, but remember that the increase in the budget items to collect tickets and sponsor of the stadium is very slow).
Of course the point is not that "most are trained, the greater the team," because as we saw in the article, the market recognizes a sorta di "resa implicita dell'allenamento" che tendenzialmente pareggia gli introiti dei diversi tipi di allenamento. Ad esempio se alleno 10 difensori (k=10) il mercato valuta per ognuno un aumento virtuale di circa 40k di valore ad allenamento (dS=40k), con un amumento totale di k*dS = 10*40k = 400k. Se alleno parate, alleno 2 giocatori (k=2) e il mercato valuta per ognuno un aumento di circa 200k di valore ad allenamento (dS=200k), per cui k*dS = 2*200k = 400k. Questo è vero tendenzialmente, in realtà i k*dS sono un po' diversi e quindi ci sono allenamenti un po' più convenienti e altri meno.
Quindi, riassumendo, a cosa be careful to ensure greater asset growth of the team?
So the change in the asset is given by two elements:
- the first is the sum of changes in value of trained (due to depreciation for age, skill growth and variations of primary and secondary market)
- the second is the sum of the changes in the value of the untrained (and their depreciation with age changes in the market).
E 'is evident as the first element to drive the growth of the team, as the latter tends to be negative and therefore a burden that slows down the process growth. The only thing we can do to make the second element is positive (or less negative as possible) is to try to choose non-coached players who have little depreciation (low dE ) and buy them in times of low market (for a dM favorable ).
These considerations apply of course also for allenandi, for which the depreciation will be an eye dE and market phase dM earnings and the other directed by Allen and dS ds .
For the most growth possible I will have to allocate the resources of the team in the most profitable as possible. Given that the untrained do not guarantee growth, indeed, the brake, the ideal would be possible to target the greater% of the budget in the trained (by the way someone might argue that even the untrained indirectly contribute to the growth of the team, as good performance Team sports may contribute to good results, many fans, promotions, etc., true, but remember that the increase in the budget items to collect tickets and sponsor of the stadium is very slow).
Of course the point is not that "most are trained, the greater the team," because as we saw in the article, the market recognizes a sorta di "resa implicita dell'allenamento" che tendenzialmente pareggia gli introiti dei diversi tipi di allenamento. Ad esempio se alleno 10 difensori (k=10) il mercato valuta per ognuno un aumento virtuale di circa 40k di valore ad allenamento (dS=40k), con un amumento totale di k*dS = 10*40k = 400k. Se alleno parate, alleno 2 giocatori (k=2) e il mercato valuta per ognuno un aumento di circa 200k di valore ad allenamento (dS=200k), per cui k*dS = 2*200k = 400k. Questo è vero tendenzialmente, in realtà i k*dS sono un po' diversi e quindi ci sono allenamenti un po' più convenienti e altri meno.
Quindi, riassumendo, a cosa be careful to ensure greater asset growth of the team?
- allocate the smallest possible part of the budget unproductive uses such as cash (the money we make the mold, unless you wait for more favorable market conditions) or the untrained (which often have negative balance, subtracting the total value of Assets as a result of aging). The higher the ratio Gallen / gnon-ALL greater the value growth of our team (please note that if instead of training only in primary skill train in secondary skills, then increase the value of this ratio: for example, if train parades and also give some training ride defense to my goalkeepers then this training will also benefit from the outfield players will go to defense position in the slot and will increase the range of even partially trained. Clearly this will make sense if the benefits in these weeks of training in secondary and primary gatekeepers to the defenders normal outweigh the disadvantages of not coaching the goalkeepers still in primary).
- choose allenandi and untrained children who have impairments due to aging (minimizes dE), even better if I can find players who enjoy getting older (not done at random, must be studied well natural market to produce tables such as Table 4 above)
- allenandi buy and no training during favorable market to minimize dM (and here it is necessary to study the market well)
- study to pp rofonditamente the market with cross-tables "Age / level of skill primary" as seen in Table 1 above to find the dS more favorable (Table 2) in order to train the players primary skill in the shots of the most profitable (of course will not be considered dS absolutes, but the ratio dS / week necessary for the shot seen in Table 3)
- study to pp rofonditamente the market with cross-tables "Age / secondary level of skill" to see whether or not to give the player the convenience of increases in secondary ds , of \u200b\u200bcourse, here must be regarded as the ratio ds / week needed for the shot and evaluate the potential profitability of a bi-or tri skillaggio player.
PS. take a look at ' CONTENTS blog, there are several items that may be of interest.
Andreace (team in Hattrick ID 1730726)
Andreace (team in Hattrick ID 1730726)
This work is licensed by Andreace under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License . Ie, this work may be freely copied, distributed or modified without the express permission of the author, provided that the author is clearly stated and the publication is not for commercial purposes.
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