Bob Barr won the nomination of the Libertarian Party ... Mr. Clean Dual Action: Paul and Barr together to scrape the bottom of a stinking GOP neocon?
by Paul Farris / NOLANCHART
We are now in the middle of the libertarian party convention (May 22 to 26 in Denver) for the nomination of their candidate for president. Using a strategy ben precisa non si potrebbe mica giungere al rinnovo ed alla libertà da così tanto attese negli USA? C’è una chance, e se appunto il movimento della libertà si mette in moto nei prossimi giorni, potrebbe scagionare uno tsunami politico che potrebbe inondare
Considerate un attimo il seguente scenario: un attuale Deputato ed un ex-Deputato repubblicano che marciano verso la presidenza su un ticket libertario congiunto.
Il Dott. Paul, al momento nel partito Republican but always a member of the libertarian party, a candidate would be known by the name, from best-selling book, with a hard core of one hundred thousand volunteers ready to campaign and that, among other things to report, have shown a capacity to generate substantial donations of money to the Paul campaign. Not only that, Paulunteers are ready to repeat this and more when the doctor announced Bob Barr as his deputy. Mr. Barr is also a libertarian and a good reputation, in addition, enjoying respect from conservatives. Competing with a compromise that Mr. Paul / Barr could overtake McCain in terms of donations and gather enough to end a growing slice of the "base" of Republican and Democrat amanti della libertà.
Una corsa Paul/Barr è piuttosto in linea con il fuoco che Paul ha acceso nei suoi sostenitori che tentano di roformare il partito repubblicano partendo dal grassroots. Il ticket Paul/Barr complementa ed aumenta il potere del grassroots di cambiare la direzione del partito e di accelerare la caduta dei neocon. Chissà che qualche dirigente nazionale del partito repubblicano riprenda i sensi e che segua il partito libertario nel nominare Paul/Barr per la loro convention.
Forse che finalmente, con Paul/Barr, questioni essenziali quali lo stato polizia, l’incarcerazione pro capita più alta the world, a disastrous war on drugs, a tax system out of control that threatens the welfare of all Americans, and other issues yet, they would finally stir nationwide. Millions and millions will be converted thanks to the message of freedom.
We as a clear and distinct from the large compromettitore, John McCain, that intrigues people so much by the entire political spectrum, which should be reflected in the polls and ensure the presence of Paul / Barr in televised debates with a global audience.
Friends, these are not lies. It is the policy true with a freedom movement that will have a favorable wind like no other in modern history. The neocons, along with all other Americans, are still trembling from the nightmare Bush / Cheney. Or do we continue vigorously to re-enter the race for the presidency, influencing so do millions of people, or accept responsibility for not acting in his time.
A ticket Ron Paul - Bob Barr will require a Herculean effort by all those involved in the movement for freedom. It was hard put Ron Paul in the fight in early 2007 and we have to insist once again to launch key in this election.
Tradotto da Francesco
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