Maurizio Blondet did not need our publicity to their articles, but his piece I think today's a must-read on the current American historian.
USA: Transition in pericolo?
Il sommario recita:
«L’assenza di freno contro la sua azione, la sua politica e le sue tendenze, lascia ormai l’America correre su una china di catastrofe». L’ammiraglio Michael Mullen getta un’ombra preoccupante sul futuro degli Stati Uniti in un’intervista ufficiale. L’ormai prossimo periodo di transizione tra le due presidenze può essere il ventre molle di una già visibile crisi del sistema americano.
Tra i molti commenti dei lettori segnalo il seguente di Eugenio da Faenza:
"Caro Blondet da quando ne parlò come " non person "several months I have been following the campaign of Ron Paul and I have not stopped since then to follow it because despite the" truccatissime "his message Republican primary by conservative so pure logic and common sense has continued to spread especially with the evidence of crisis in the USA;
If he had followed the primaries in Pennsylvania that would have taken a stronger rebellion began in the management of the GOP that between now and September is bound to swell even across the board with the Democrats.
Considering the ' evidence of a deterioration in mental capacity to McCain (perhaps the reason why we try in every way to make him president replaces also in the race with Bloomberg's case) I believe a strong possibility of a civil war in the U.S..
The only alternative would be Ron Paul President. What do you think? "
await the response of Blondet, which surely will come back to talk about Ron Paul. Here in the coming days we will update the tenacious assault of the Paulist the Republican Party, apparently in some difficulty, as it is structured small Boyars local and parasites, almost the same (it was one of the discoveries of this campaign) Italian to traditional parties. The men of the GOP in the past had lowered their guard, and without recourse to the troops was crippled camel. The release Intelligence in American parties is the only partial ability to change, an alternative to illegal or disorderly way. As we have already written, the transversality also commemorated by the reader Blondet is the great sign of maturity of the participants in the spring paulista. Certainly many people "Left" does not allow you to make the squeamish and enter the Republican Party. With us such an awareness is a long way to come, and Grillo, willy-nilly (I say this mainly in response to some friend's blog) aims too low and too easy.
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