Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is A Temperature Of 96.8 Ok?

Iran, Petraeus eludes precise measurements of

Last month, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, gen. Petraeus has been audited by the Foreign and Defence Committees of Congress. It 'was an opportunity for presidential candidates to "perform". Predictably, the McCain line, more articulate than Clinton and Obama, who must give the impression of being critical of the current foreign policy and seem almost pacifist, when in fact they do everything to show trusted followers of the "war on terror" .
Petraeus other interpellanti also countered brightly. Faced with the simple and precise measurements of Ron Paul has done almost silent scene, backed by the ambassador in Iraq, Crocker.

Petraeus and Crocker Pilate on this issue as Iran.
They pretend to be a mere performers but are working to secure the withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Hearing 8 April 2008

Paul: Mr. President, I have a series of questions. I know that there will be enough time to answer these, but I want the files.

First, because the American people would still support a war justified by false information, given that Saddam had never attacked the United States, the 'Iraq had no nothing to do with the 11 / 9 and had no weapons of mass destruction?

It is said that we must continue the war, because we have already made sacrifices tannti.

But what is moral in demanding other unnecessary sacrifice of human lives just to save face by mistake of the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

There seems crazy that the Iraqi government we support is

ally of the Iranians who are our avowed enemies?

We're not helping the Iranians now support their allies in Iraq ?

If the Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki is our ally and he has "diplomatic ties" with Ahmadinejad because noi non possiamo averle?

Perché dobbiamo continuare a provocare l’Iran? Cerchiamo solo una scusa per bombardare quel paese? La nostra politica in Iraq non garantisce il caos in questa regione per gli anni a venire?

Si stima che già 2000 soldati iracheni hanno rifiutato di combattere la milizia di al-Sadr.

Perché non dovremmo aspettarci che molti degli 80000 sunniti che abbiamo recentemente armato, un giorno non rivoltino le armi contro di us, since they, as well as the Mahdi Army, they hate any foreign occupation?

Is it not true that our ally Maliki has broken the cease-fire declared by al-Sadr by starting the recent violence?

Is it not true that the current ceasefire was agreed with the Iranians, who have also condemned the attacks against the "Green Zone"? How can you blame the Iranians of all the violence?

Is it not true that the recent wave of violence in March, the attacks are back at the same level 2005?

L ' Iran has no legitimate reason to be involved in neighboring Iraq most of us, that we are just 6000 miles?

If China or the Russia occupied the Mexico, how would we react?

Since neither defines the terms used to win the war, who we give up?

This does not mean that this war will be endless, our leaders politicians will end only when we have more money, but perhaps now is not so far away?

I have a question - even if there is little time to answer all my other, I think, however, should be enough: you think the administration can bomb Iran without further permission from Congress?

Petreaus: MP, I am the commander for Iraq and not know the answer to your question. The question does not fall within my sphere of competence.

Crocker : MP, non è neanche la mia [sfera di competenza]. Il mio lavoro è in Iraq. Non posso pronunciarmi su questa faccenda.

Paul : Beh, non riesco ad ottenere un “no”, mi sembra abbastanza ovvio che secondo la nostra Costituzione funziona così. Bisogna parlare al Congresso, sennò sarebbe come il Vietnam, e sappiamo com`è finita. È chiaro dunque che NO, l’amministrazione non può iniziare una guerra senza l’approvazione del Congresso.

Mi disturba assai non ottenere un “no” secco e definitivo.

Our Doctor visibly annoyed, although certainly not surprised by the answer to your question Petraeus and Crocker on Iran


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