Nell'annuncio del ritiro Romney si richiama al primo attempt and the waiving of Reagan in 1976, winning four years later, hinting that the challenge has been preparing since 2012 to the Democratic president in office.
As expected no endorsement for McCain, even remembers the distance from him on many issues, not including the fight against terrorism. Continuous references to the values \u200b\u200bof conservatism.
stressed that his retirement comes after great demonstrations of popular support, while still in the running candidates in single digit percentages.
uncommon emphasis on religion and his defense, he speaks with a strong moral tone of a preacher than a politician. Inevitable tug on terrorism and the role, including military, America in the world. Seems to want to cut a big leading role of the conservative opposition to the liberalism of McCain and Giuliani. The possible demise of the old GOP, we nominate the head of a conservative renewal: towards Romney 2012.
The media will continue their regular work of censorship, Reuters and Fox have already announced that only two candidates remain in contention, McCain and Huckabee. The model will fit all Fox? With only three candidates becomes hard to accommodate the establishment Ron Paul in the debates on TV. Can they do it only between McCain and Huckabee? And how do Huck, notoriously penniless, to pay the campaign for the remaining half of the primaries? Someone will help you make the opponent McCannon's puppet? And if Huck withdraws, who will be confronted with the false hero of Vietnam?
Who ?....
stressed that his retirement comes after great demonstrations of popular support, while still in the running candidates in single digit percentages.
uncommon emphasis on religion and his defense, he speaks with a strong moral tone of a preacher than a politician. Inevitable tug on terrorism and the role, including military, America in the world. Seems to want to cut a big leading role of the conservative opposition to the liberalism of McCain and Giuliani. The possible demise of the old GOP, we nominate the head of a conservative renewal: towards Romney 2012.
The media will continue their regular work of censorship, Reuters and Fox have already announced that only two candidates remain in contention, McCain and Huckabee. The model will fit all Fox? With only three candidates becomes hard to accommodate the establishment Ron Paul in the debates on TV. Can they do it only between McCain and Huckabee? And how do Huck, notoriously penniless, to pay the campaign for the remaining half of the primaries? Someone will help you make the opponent McCannon's puppet? And if Huck withdraws, who will be confronted with the false hero of Vietnam?
Who ?....
In the first launch of CNN have found yet another cryptic interpretation of election rules, but in fact Romney withdraws.
will be remembered as the candidate and as the richest man in the flip-flop (flip flops) so they call those who change their political views for convenience and is easily caught in a contradiction. We'll see if
behind this new fact there are no agreements, if you translate into advantage for McCain ... or simple pure anche per Ron Paul.
behind this new fact there are no agreements, if you translate into advantage for McCain ... or simple pure anche per Ron Paul.

In ricordo del programma elettorale di Mitt Romney.
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