today to vote in Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC
Somehow Paul corrects the shot than to his message on Friday, which gave the impression, in addition to his own intentions, to pull the oars. But, as he says "All of a sudden things change! We do not know what will happen - a lot of information circulating on the other two candidates, which could permanently alter this election."
Ron Paul is not one who usually speaks in allusions, perhaps from his position reflects the turbulence of the scenario: possible withdrawals, chords, twists and low blows that the establishment will live in it. The halls of power live their restructuring, their removal, perhaps without their eviction notice.
WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - The Republican candidate Mike Huckabee has challenged the outcome of the primaries in Washington state took place last weekend, which was second with respect to his opponent John McCain.
Huckabee's lawyers are considering all possibilities of reaching a full count of votes, given the "final results suspicious" of the vote.
"We want clean elections, and we're not sure of them had," said Huckabee in an interview with "Today Show" NBC. According
Huckebee, would be counted only 87% of the votes, with 1,500 cards still to be counted. McCain overcame his opponent at the time of just 242 votes out of about 12,000.
"We will ask the full count. Check out what happened ... It appears that arbitrarily the party leader thought to be able to see how the election was going ..." Huckabee said on CNN.
the event that HB is yesterday, today it seems that the GOP admits "errori"...
Anche un osservatore professionista e neutrale, come il giornalista Marcello Foa , rispondendo ai commenti nel suo blog afferma: “ Riguardo la Louisiana la situazione è la seguente, a quanto sono riuscito ad appurare: gli exit polls davano McCain vincitore, lo scrutinio definitivo Ron Paul, ma i media hanno citato solo gli exit polls…”
Nonostante la loro importanza le primarie americane sono un'elezione indetta e curata da un partito, cioè un'associazione privata, anche se poi da qualche parte nelle leggi statali è conferito potere di controllo sul voto ad organi pubblici, come il Segretario di Stato...che curiosamente (l'ho già scritto ma voglio repeat) in Seattle has made its endorsement for McCain, as did the Chief Prosecutor, the highest magistrate of the state. In Rome, do as the Romans do ...
In this context, how can we believe in fairness party organs involved in the legality of the vote?! And then those who are appealing? Secretary of State and judges who have indorsato McCain?! But come on! ... About
appeals the farce of Louisiana (20 days have passed from the caucus) it's not over: here is Ron Paul to move. He writes on this site, which seems quite accurate and full of detail, just something I translate:
"Three complaints were deposited by the campaign of Ron Paul to the Republican Party of Louisiana.
These three cases could change the official results of the caucus in time for the Feb. 16 state convention, or they can become the basis for a cause which could lead to a restraining order to prevent the calling party's state convention until it knows ensure compliance with internal rules.
Ron Paul's campaign estimates that about 95% of the 650 votes cast and on hold have been expressed by supporters of Ron Paul, and all registered as Republicans, at the expiry of the party, November 30. "
For Reconstruction of the irregularities in Louisiana according to the campaign Ron Paul, I refer to our this post.
Along with these recycled chicken thieves in politics, let's not forget coté evolved with its electronic voting software can be manipulated without a trace: it is the other side of the vote-fraud, which makes the U.S. the states of bananas insurmountable technologic .
In my head like in the forum Paulistas, confusion reigns in interpreting the powers of the delegates, their freedom or not to change candidate in the convention, state and national levels. Luckily there
Gerontion: it is very precise and often intervenes to unravel the tangle and to emphasize the inaccuracy of counting. On Italian bloggers for Ron Paul made this summary of the situation and procedures: its tactical and policy analysis is very agreeable, and re-create a healthy positive anxiety on the outcome of the convention. For numbers and for the rules we trust him blindly, he writes:
at the convention in Minnesota to win the nomination, you need the votes of at least 1,191 delegates, plus the name to put to the ballot must be met before the majority of delegates from at least five different states.
delegates totals are 2380 and 651 of these are completely free to vote for who the hell they see from the first vote of the remaining 463 delegates are only bound to their candidate for the duration of the convention, while only 565 are linked in the first vote, but if no candidate obtains the required majority must continue to vote vanishes and the obligation to vote. 383 other delegates are "bound" in the first two votes and 318 others until the third vote. These total numbers are added, the delegates from Ohio, Washington state, North Carolina that are related to Virgin Islands 'only' a moral obligation to office-type.
And these numbers have to do and do not refer to the percentages of Fox or CNN after each vote. McCain And with these numbers, unless an agreement as to be able to hold together the big who left and then groped to convince the delegates, "free" to vote for the first vote useful, is still far from nomination.
why I believe that Ron Paul should continue to struggle in the Republican ranks, continue to collect delegates, who are currently above 40, and spend the money left by the fleas to McCain and Huckabee, and aim to arrive at a convention of delegates from its discrete nuemero and the rest of the Republicans divided and then try to make their way there in uncertainty, it will be another "mini" but very important election, in fact the only real campaign, but you have to get well and get there only by continuing the strategy Director of attrition on delegate caucus on caucus dollar on the dollar. E 'already happened once a underdog already arrived at the Republican convention determined and then, using the complex mechanisms of voting and personal and political divisions of the opponent, came out from the convention as a presidential candidate: his name was Abraham Lincoln .
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