Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How Fast Can A 10 Hp Motor Go

Il ruggito del topo: Perché Ron Paul ha vinto le elezioni

Ron Paul ha raggiunto 42 delegati e forse più. Come speravamo, gli "arcani" caucus hanno dato un risultato migliore di quanto apparso in un primo momento. Dai media già traspare disappunto perché Ron Paul non si ritira...

L'elefante è il simbolo del Partito repubblicano.

Il titolo di questo post è quello dell'articolo che segue. L'autore è Doug Wead, storico e analista politico, ideatore, ci informa Michel Nystrom, di un espressione piuttosto nota, "conservatorismo compassionevole".
Leggo in un secondo tempo qualcosa di Wead, che non conoscevo: è una persona, almeno un tempo, notevolmente interna alla cerchia dei Bush! Forse quello di Wead, col suo modo particolare e un po' tardivo, è l'endorsement politicamente più rilevante finora ricevuto Ron Paul ]
Il pezzo di Wead appare oggi sul suo blog , ed è già stato ripreso sul web paulista. Il merito del pezzo e del compassionate conservatism è discutibile come tutto, ma credo sia interessante pubblicare quest'elogio Ron Paul in one day is not easy, coming from a conservative doc.


Well then, say the Republicans have a candidate. It would be a very positive thing, but there was only one clear winner in the confused struggle for the GOP nomination and was not John McCain. The winner was Ron Paul. And the effects of his victory will be felt for years to come.

Ron Paul made a classic political mistake. He told the truth. Debate after debate he pointed the finger at his party, his president and his fellow contenders for the nomination, shouting aloud like the proverbial story of the boy: "do not have cloth, "Yes, here, we looked at them and they really do not. They were completely naked.

He showed that the conservative movement has lost its way, its moral authority and its logic. He showed us that we have become the red team against the blue team. This happens when we decided that this is a policy of war and all normal rules are suspended, conservatives and liberals can do things to win. Conservatives that make the deficit grow, if that helps them to win. They can give ourselves to unnecessary unemployment benefits if it is to elect another "conservative" to congress. They can go to war if it brings up their president as a leader and brings to win another term.

But in the proceeding, Ron Paul has shown us that we have lost our way. We are no longer conservatives. We are fighting for power not for principles. We have to leave during the process of decay and the only way is to retrace our steps and recall all the things that we downloaded on the road.

Barry Goldwater lighted a similar fire with his Conscience of to keep . Its truth and arguments were so obvious and so honest that we laughed out loud reading them. But Goldwater himself was condemned to political defeat. And Ron Paul had no chance to win this election. It is understood the first time he opened his mouth.

Yet the words and arguments of Ron Paul still resonate. Still hovering over this election. They are disturbing and unforgettable. They created blogs, documents and books that will surely one day, like Goldwater's revolution, will produce the new Ronald Reagan. And when those heady days are a small but hearty group of pioneers, who first have the courage to join him and start screaming in the streets "They have no clothes on!", Will say that they could see what the country had lost. Because they were already there, as he made history.

John McCain and his poorly chosen words, stay in Iraq one hundred years, they've almost guaranteed he'll answer the question "Who was the losing Republican ticket that won him the first woman or first black man to the presidency? Another interesting question is: "Who was the other candidate in the race that year that launched the movement which then dominate national politics for the next generations?"
And the answer will be Ron Paul.


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