Sunday, February 24, 2008

How To Upholster Your Own Boat Seats

Ron Paul and Cuba

Nelle cronache di questi giorni Cuba è alla ribalta per il cambio della guardia tra i fratelli Castro.
La vicenda cubana implica aspetti storici e politici molto complessi, difficilmente liquidabili con slogan tanto lapidari quanto fanatici, pro o contro Castro e il suo regime. Che resta regime illiberale ed è stato regime sanguinario, anche col contributo di Che Guevara, uno dei più atroci falsi contemporary myths.
time ago I found a statement of Raoul Castro on the presidential elections in the U.S.: "a choice between a Republican and a Democrat? And 'how to choose between me and my brother. " Unfortunately I gave the link and I lost the source: if someone finds it, it can be put on record a profit, funny and bitter aphorism about contemporary politics.

Already a couple of months ago-this-but I had saved an article in Granma, the leading Cuban newspaper, gave prominence to the positive positions of Ron Paul on Cuba, entitled " A Republican candidate stands out in policy toward Cuba " just the usual ideas Paul's foreign policy.
fact that Granma quoted him: " Americans want the freedom to travel and trade with their Cuban neighbors, as they are free to travel and to trade with Vietnam and China " .

continued the Cuban newspaper:

Ron Paul does not attract the media of his country, although for a long time (...) deputy, someone calls him "Dr. No" because he almost always voted against decisions
Bush was the only Republican to vote "no" to so-called "Patriot Act" and the war in Iraq. He was opposed to the fact that the United States intervene in other countries and that American troops are the cops of the world. He also opposed the increase of salary of Members, and calls to limit and dismantle agencies like the CIA. (...)
Without abandoning its ideological convictions based on market economy, Paul states: 'It really ironic to see the so-called capitalists and advocates of free trade push the Communists to freedom with funding from the Government. We invoke the existence of a free and private press in Cuba when we state propaganda among the Cuban Marti, our public radio and TV that cost 600 milioni di dollari ai contribuenti».
(...) « Basta discutere di cosa è meglio per il popolo cubano. Che fine ha fatto la volontà del popolo degli Stati Uniti , che é assolutamente a favore della via diplomatica con Cuba?» , si è chiesto Paul che, come molti membri del Congresso, vuole la normalizzazione delle relazioni con l'isola.
(...) Hillary Clinton vuole mantenere il blocco, come quasi tutti i repubblicani per paura di perdere i colossali contributi dei cubano-americani della Florida. Ma seguire passivamente tali interessi, in modo simile a quello che accade nella discussione sul ritiro dall'Iraq, potrebbe trasformarsi nella sua Waterloo.
Cuba ha chiesto di togliere il blocco che subisce dal 1962 da parte degli Stati Uniti, citando davanti al Wto i principi di liberalizzazione commerciale propri di tale organizzazione.
Cuba ricorda agli altri membri che il Wto spinge per "l'eliminazione dei trattamenti discriminatori nelle relazioni commerciali internazionali."
Persino il quotidiano Miami Herald , in genere pancia a terra in favore degli ultraconservatori cubano-americani, ha sostenuto di recente che il viaggio dei fratelli Diaz Balart (famiglia di politici Usa di origine cubana, n.d.t.) in Ungheria, Polonia e Repubblica Ceca, seeking support against the Cuban government, represents "a difficult battle. Although the former Soviet bloc countries are receptive, other countries in Europe and Latin America are more skeptical and argue that U.S. sanctions do not work and that would be the 's time to improve relations with L' Havana. "
Ron Paul says: "Enough with the hysteria on the freedom of Cubans - which is not the responsibility of our government, and we take the liberty of American citizens."
Paul claim freedom for North Americans, who want to trade with and travel wherever they want, and do not want it to be the government to dictate what to do.
"Our current administration is perceived as insignificant, at least in Cuba, where the message falls on deaf ears"
"If the administration really wants to extend a friendly hand, would allow the North American people to act freely as ambassadors of themselves, trading and traveling. Given the failure of the Government in establishing a 'friendship with Cuba, this time is give in his role and let the people make this rapprochement. "

(end of quote)

In a statement on February 20 Ron Paul, even as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of parliament, is still spoken on Cuba:

" Fidel Castro is a brutal dictator who for fifty years has robbed the Cuban people of their freedom. His resignation does not mean the end of communism in Cuba, but it is good to see him go.
The departure of Castro provides
America a great opportunity to reflect on the current trade embargo contro l' isola nostra vicina.
Sono state concepite
politiche per indebolire il regime di Castro, ma credo che in realtà lo abbiano aiutato a mantenere un rude controllo e gli abbiano permesso di tenere il suo potere per decenni, ben più di quello che sarebbe stato in grado di mantenere da solo.
Il libero commercio e un aperto scambio di informazioni sono gli strumenti migliori che l'America ha per combattere la
tirannia internazionale.
Gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero rapidamente porre fine all'
embargo commerciale verso Cuba.
me rcati c ubani possono essere una buona piazza per i nostri agricoltori e per i prodotti delle nostre imprese. Allora il potere del libero mercato, nel tempo, potrebbe estendersi ai restanti regimi totalitari, ponendo fine al comunismo in occidente."

Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela: volendo, è facile trovare in rete gli ipocriti furbastri che accusano Paul di essere al servizio dei "peggiori nemici" dell'America. E' facile anche trovare le cronache elettorali della tv pubblica iraniana. Certo più continue, obiettive e dettagliate di quelle di Fox o del New York Times.
Il liberismo commerciale può avere tutti i limiti di cui anche qui si è accennato. Sicuramente però nei rapporti con queste nazioni, if practiced would have prevented many wars and looting many of the people involved, the "American taxpayer", as he always says Ron, and I think I get it right, the European taxpayer.
But caste cheater and parasite is encysted in governments worldwide, and tells us that we are in a virtuous, free trade: they have even invented the WTO to make it free. In fact the only credible liberal in the world, Ron Paul, wants to abolish.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Christian Songs About Being Old

Italian Cinema for Ron Paul!

The title is a hope, but thanks Mirko our friend, we are beginning ...

relaunch the enthusiasm of the Italians for Ron Paul through new video subtitles! There is not only the translation, the images are supported by the Italian pop music. Mirko has chosen texts and sounds really suited to the message of Ron in "I trust you" (Jovanotti) of the video posted the other day, as in "talk" by Elisa, which accompanies that of today, we find the voltage, emotion and the hope of a long adventure, not just elections.

hope that these little creations spread in Italy the best healthy contagion paulista. In the thought of Ron Paul is the truth about the facts la bussola, il raziocinio tiene la rotta. Ciò è particolarmente chiaro in politica estera, materia che riguarda tutti e che più unisce i suoi sostenitori. Chi cerca verità sulle vicende del mondo e desidera pace sulla terra, prima o poi incontra la profonda quiete personale di Ron Paul, che si fa tutt'uno con la sua logica ferrea e tranquilla, mentre dimostra l'insensatezza delle guerre.

E' stata una bella idea, in queste opere prime, concentrarsi sul messaggio anti-guerra. Nella colonna di destra abbiamo inserito un'altra traduzione sulla politica estera, sempre all'insegna del "mi fido di te" e l'adattamento che Mirko ha fatto di un video che spopola, anche in Italia: è la parodia di uno spot Obama and McCain that turns against its one hundred years in Iraq, with little surprise final paulista.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Is Nasal Spray Supposed To Burn

Who counts the delegates and those who count on Ron Paul

The picturesque Republican convention in West Virginia.

The last few days have seen two new, one election and a policy. That

electoral support from Romney to McCain: In theory surprising, given the bitter between the two until a week ago in practice is one of the usual twists and turns of politics.
Romney, former governor "liberal" in the last month of lifting was proposing as the champion of conservatives not convinced by McCain. The day of farewell, Romney was profuse in his own way in a "God Country Family" before the assembly of the larger conservative movement. Now, yet another flip-flop of his career, all with McCain! But all of those? Much of its delegates not to vote today will want to know the enemy of yesterday. There are no constraints, as noted in the commentary to the posts under the attentive Gerontion: "delegates can vote for Romney who seems to them, the TV lie, when McCain has more or less than 800 delegates" pledged "to vote first, there are other 391 before it's over. "

Ron Paul yesterday on the Georgetown University.
has 700 students gathered to hear him. The day before Condoleezza Rice were the half.

The new policy, needless to say, the door always Ron Paul.
The launch of the "March on Washington, leaving his sostentori to decide (the debate is lively as always!) When and how, is a sign that you're building a new movement," libertarian conservative, "has been written.
The two terms refer to different worlds, now allied hours away. The new synthesis will fail if paulista, noble compromise.
I would like to reopen a debate already under way but soon overwhelmed by election news, so I got out to walk a previous post, integrating them with some new and interesting comments that they had come.

- the problem of freedom of information exists, the story of Ron Paul Internet users is positive, it would have been unthinkable ten years ago, today's result. But it is not enough. We must continue on this path, speeding up transit information on the Internet for many people, even the medium-young and educated who have not yet done.
New: volcanic Trevor Lyman, a partner launching a new initiative to break the information: breakthematrix
- what is it that Ron Paul did not convince many voters who have known him well? Some argue that there is fear of the proposed radical libertarian and private law in the health and welfare.
- A dialogue is not biased and not too theoretical, where we discuss the practical positive and negative sides of the liberal-libertarian views of government and social-may be useful for us, instead of talking about "Berlusconi" and "communists"? Add
: There are already movements libertarians, those at various levels of left and right, those inspired by Catholic social thought. A paulista movement is different from all this? The other day

Francesco Rossi spoke with some very interesting considerations, some seem to me good idea, is "metapolitical" intellectuals say:

"(...) It 's true. The paulista movement CAN NOT' be classified as libertarian. The same program of RP is not" libertarian "in the traditional sense. E 'a program together, "the inspiration" libertarian "but actually" hybrid ". What holds all this together then, that the various points of the program and the different types of voters? E' said in the above Doug Wead : the truth. And if the truth did miss where he lost, the truth also allowed him to get where it arrived. There is a great thirst for truth in politics, the elimination of hypocrisy, of political correctness, government top-down. RP replied policy and responds to a need that otherwise easily diverged into what we are, more or less strictly defined anti-politics. "

another view of Francis, said that the policy of Ron Paul is an "integrated whole", where foreign policy is related to its vision of the economy, which, I might add, these correlations seem to play the role of central hub:

(...) we can not forget that the program RP is an "integrated whole". I mean his view in economics is the cause and consequence of his vision in foreign policy. Pure RP has repeated ad nauseam in debates. So I voter must know that if he wants a certain foreign policy because it takes a certain economic policy and vice versa. This is both an honor and a limit, because if the consistently provides value to the program, the alien on the other side of those votes (the majority) who do not identify themselves completely in a political program. (...)

Well, since we can not book a flight until you know the date of the March on Washington, meanwhile debating! ;-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How Many Calories In 1 Small Shrimp

Ron Paul: Campaign non è finita!

today to vote in Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC

And now comes a new message Ron Paul campaign, which raised its long-term "The campaign is in full all the time. It's not over! Though now saying that there is a " so-called winner, "you know that's not true until it is over! "
Somehow Paul corrects the shot than to his message on Friday, which gave the impression, in addition to his own intentions, to pull the oars. But, as he says "All of a sudden things change! We do not know what will happen - a lot of information circulating on the other two candidates, which could permanently alter this election."
Ron Paul is not one who usually speaks in allusions, perhaps from his position reflects the turbulence of the scenario: possible withdrawals, chords, twists and low blows that the establishment will live in it. The halls of power live their restructuring, their removal, perhaps without their eviction notice.
finally launches its people the idea of \u200b\u200ba big "march" on Washington and looks to the basis of the suggestions and proposals than organizing an event that must not pass unnoticed, in fact, endorsed to break the wall of silence around him and his peaceful revolution. To be held probably in June, to impress the media and across America. Well aware that the counts of the numbers on this occasion can be a success and a risk. We'll see. S profiles then paulista the new big event, first launched by leaders in person at the grassroots: a new adventure that will stand for a long time.


now up for grabs in the three states there are 116 delegates, all primary and therefore there should be the complexity typical of allocation of delegates caucus. Instead they are always in chaos. Sometimes it seems to be a pent-up fans who bawls always for the penalty but not given the "habit" not to complete the counting, the evening of the vote, fraud, are now also reported that Huckabee sent his lawyers in Seattle:

WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - The Republican candidate Mike Huckabee has challenged the outcome of the primaries in Washington state took place last weekend, which was second with respect to his opponent John McCain.
Huckabee's lawyers are considering all possibilities of reaching a full count of votes, given the "final results suspicious" of the vote.
"We want clean elections, and we're not sure of them had," said Huckabee in an interview with "Today Show" NBC. According
Huckebee, would be counted only 87% of the votes, with 1,500 cards still to be counted. McCain overcame his opponent at the time of just 242 votes out of about 12,000.
"We will ask the full count. Check out what happened ... It appears that arbitrarily the party leader thought to be able to see how the election was going ..." Huckabee said on CNN.

the event that HB is yesterday, today it seems that the GOP admits "errori"...
Anche un osservatore professionista e neutrale, come il giornalista Marcello Foa , rispondendo ai commenti nel suo blog afferma: “ Riguardo la Louisiana la situazione è la seguente, a quanto sono riuscito ad appurare: gli exit polls davano McCain vincitore, lo scrutinio definitivo Ron Paul, ma i media hanno citato solo gli exit polls…”
Nonostante la loro importanza le primarie americane sono un'elezione indetta e curata da un partito, cioè un'associazione privata, anche se poi da qualche parte nelle leggi statali è conferito potere di controllo sul voto ad organi pubblici, come il Segretario di Stato...che curiosamente (l'ho già scritto ma voglio repeat) in Seattle has made its endorsement for McCain, as did the Chief Prosecutor, the highest magistrate of the state. In Rome, do as the Romans do ...
In this context, how can we believe in fairness party organs involved in the legality of the vote?! And then those who are appealing? Secretary of State and judges who have indorsato McCain?! But come on! ... About
appeals the farce of Louisiana (20 days have passed from the caucus) it's not over: here is Ron Paul to move. He writes on this site, which seems quite accurate and full of detail, just something I translate:
"Three complaints were deposited by the campaign of Ron Paul to the Republican Party of Louisiana.
These three cases could change the official results of the caucus in time for the Feb. 16 state convention, or they can become the basis for a cause which could lead to a restraining order to prevent the calling party's state convention until it knows ensure compliance with internal rules.
Ron Paul's campaign estimates that about 95% of the 650 votes cast and on hold have been expressed by supporters of Ron Paul, and all registered as Republicans, at the expiry of the party, November 30. "
For Reconstruction of the irregularities in Louisiana according to the campaign Ron Paul, I refer to our this post.
Along with these recycled chicken thieves in politics, let's not forget coté evolved with its electronic voting software can be manipulated without a trace: it is the other side of the vote-fraud, which makes the U.S. the states of bananas insurmountable technologic .

In my head like in the forum Paulistas, confusion reigns in interpreting the powers of the delegates, their freedom or not to change candidate in the convention, state and national levels. Luckily there
Gerontion: it is very precise and often intervenes to unravel the tangle and to emphasize the inaccuracy of counting. On Italian bloggers for Ron Paul made this summary of the situation and procedures: its tactical and policy analysis is very agreeable, and re-create a healthy positive anxiety on the outcome of the convention. For numbers and for the rules we trust him blindly, he writes:

(...) in the face of all this there is also clear from a fundamental point: in the largest democracy the planet, the decision of the candidate for president is not for the sovereign people! The media circus surrounding the primaries is precisely just that, however, are the delegates decide the nomination of the GOP and their choice has almost no connection with the millions of votes that the Americans have made and continue to do until September.
at the convention in Minnesota to win the nomination, you need the votes of at least 1,191 delegates, plus the name to put to the ballot must be met before the majority of delegates from at least five different states.
delegates totals are 2380 and 651 of these are completely free to vote for who the hell they see from the first vote of the remaining 463 delegates are only bound to their candidate for the duration of the convention, while only 565 are linked in the first vote, but if no candidate obtains the required majority must continue to vote vanishes and the obligation to vote. 383 other delegates are "bound" in the first two votes and 318 others until the third vote. These total numbers are added, the delegates from Ohio, Washington state, North Carolina that are related to Virgin Islands 'only' a moral obligation to office-type.
And these numbers have to do and do not refer to the percentages of Fox or CNN after each vote. McCain And with these numbers, unless an agreement as to be able to hold together the big who left and then groped to convince the delegates, "free" to vote for the first vote useful, is still far from nomination.
why I believe that Ron Paul should continue to struggle in the Republican ranks, continue to collect delegates, who are currently above 40, and spend the money left by the fleas to McCain and Huckabee, and aim to arrive at a convention of delegates from its discrete nuemero and the rest of the Republicans divided and then try to make their way there in uncertainty, it will be another "mini" but very important election, in fact the only real campaign, but you have to get well and get there only by continuing the strategy Director of attrition on delegate caucus on caucus dollar on the dollar. E 'already happened once a underdog already arrived at the Republican convention determined and then, using the complex mechanisms of voting and personal and political divisions of the opponent, came out from the convention as a presidential candidate: his name was Abraham Lincoln .


is the first in Italy to create original video Ron Paul: the "director" is Mirko, and we thank them moved!


Monday, February 11, 2008

How Can I Tell If My Ring Isor Silver

Foa: domande su Ron Paul e la democrazia in America

Do not miss this article
Blog Marcello Foa.
Foa, special envoy of the international political per "il Giornale", pone ai lettori due interessanti domande sul "silenziamento" di Ron Paul e sul funzionamento della democrazia americana.
Invito tutti caldamente ad intervenire NON QUI MA SUL BLOG DI FOA .
Se molti faranno sentire, con educazione, la loro voce in favore di Ron Paul, possono aumentare le possibilità che tutta la vicenda finisca sulla grande carta stamapata italiana, come meriterebbe.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cervix Wet Before Period

A quando gli inviati Osce per controllare le elezioni americane?


Arriva una email dal coordinatore Ron Paul's campaign in the state of Washington that fills us with satisfaction but is also written confirmation of the bitter irony in the piece below:
A first preliminary count .. that we have at least twice the delegates of the other candidates!
(following the original address) -----

And then they go to preach to the Russians.

Here are the 22, early afternoon in Seattle. Yesterday, despite having closed early voting in the caucuses of Washington, as usual, the tellers have gone to sleep such as chickens, at dusk.
The chickens are loaded with adrenaline, however, at dawn, the Republican Party instead of Seattle will be crashed last night, the weight of no less than 11,800 cards in 6235 seats. I am not strong in math, but how many do you think it would have taken seat for tellers to count the votes that about 1.8 urn poured in front of him? Hard work, in fact, the total reported above is related to just over 80% of the vote. Unfortunately, when the end of this exhausting work was at hand, the collapse. Faced with this sort of tragedy, we could think to continue with Sunday? And then, where to find someone in such a short time to complete the task?
certainly was not the result of the vote in the debate, McCain was ahead by 200 votes out of 600 for Huckabee and Ron Paul. What is this fixation to count it all when the outcome is clear? Even in Maine, voted a week ago, but CNN reported today still only 68% of the examination. Americans are practical, no-one has complained about these quibbles Byzantine!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Shoulder Blade Shooting Pain

Ron Paul Spring, lettera sul futuro

Winslow Homer (Boston, 1836-1910) - The song the lark. Chrysler Museum, Norfolk VA.

Yesterday at 23 hours of Washington, Ron Paul issued a letter on the state of the Republican race, where his campaign and mentions future obligations. There is a lot of realism and common sense, determination to continue to witness, easing stress and reducing organizational costs. The forum Paulistas show great concern about the fact, suggested by Paul, and McCain has a majority in his pocket, at least before arriving at the convention. In addition, the March 4 primary in Texas is important, Paul has also reconfirmed his seat in parliament, as he points out. Gambling
interpretation of realism of Ron Paul: it is conscious of the strong axis within the elite in action: Kissinger, by McCain, will favor the Democrats in the final victory, and they all convey the idea of \u200b\u200ba great turning point: not only change of party but a woman or black. In reality, it will prepare a grand coalition unreported, which will have to ensure the same Brzezinski and Kissinger by democratic, marginalizing the loser group of neocons. By monitoring the network, the axis was somehow came out, then it is muted. This is the renewal of America. Nothing
plots of power for Ron Paul, but the enthusiasm and hard work of education for freedom. In the letter translated below-Paul cites do not know if rash or mocking-Trotsky, founder of the neocons, to confirm his revolution. I continue to get the license to call Ron Paul Spring . And as Ron says, onward and upward !

******** Letter to Ron Paul

What year was it! And we got results! If I may quote Trotsky of all, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. Will not end until we have won the great battle for which we embarked. Not for me, but for you. Millions of Americans - and friends in many other countries - have dedicated themselves to the principles of freedom: free enterprise, limited government, sound money, no income tax, and peace. We will not stop until there is this restriction on our persons, our property, our freedom civilians.
What I owe you. Not enough to repay your generous donations, your hard work, efforts made with all your heart and your love for freedom. What a blessing for me to be accompanied by you. Even Carol, of course, sends you all her love.

Let me tell you my thoughts. With the departure of Romney, the uncertain possibility of a convention are nearly zero.
This does not affect my determination to fight, in every caucus and primary remaining, and the convention for our ideas, with the number of delegates that we will at that time. But with so many primaries and caucuses already held, now there are great needs of staff and national commitment, and then shrinks and lightens my property.

It 'clear that I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican Party, so there will be no third party. I do not denigrate third parties, on the contrary, and I have long worked to remove restrictions against their access to the vote. But I'm Republican and I will stay Republican.

I also have another priority. There are voters in my constituency that I must serve. I can not and will not abandon them. It 's another battle to face. If you lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would be happy with it and invent it was a rejection of our ideas. I do not want and do not let that happen.

the presidential race and one for the Congress I need your support, as always. I also have projects on the future of our great struggle, in politics and education, and will share them with you as soon as possible, I need you by my side.

Meanwhile, forward and upward! [Onward and upward!] The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will hear a great deal from you and me.

Sincerely, Ron

Friday, February 8, 2008

Backfiring Atv Engine

Fiori di caucus

Today we hold the caucuses in the states of Washington and Kansas. In Louisiana there is the primary follows the Jan. 22 caucuses, which no one has understood nothing, with its probable cheating, the "all-plank against Paul" and the difficulty of attributing the delegates who by statute are not bound. The Ron Paul campaign prudently if they secure three grants, which contribute to the famous number 42, that no other reports.
allocates 36 delegates Kansas: here rules "arcane", a few seats should be allocated in a subsequent convention. E 'land in favor of Huckabee, however, the first non-take-all.
The Washington (Seattle, North Pacific) Ron Paul instead should see better placed. Romney was favored theory here than McCain. Since you have just retired with fanfare, we hope that those who vote to have noticed. We are fresh of the thousands of votes given to unnecessary and even Giuliani withdrew Thompson, who in his Tennessee took the 8% despite being out for a while. It 's a genius of many of the "democratic system" and its appendix disinformazia who want to lecture the world.
The last hour we added this gem: it's chaos in Washington because the media are giving wrong times caucus, which also seems close to the absurd hour of 13!
We also hope that the orphans of at least Romney did not choose McCain, after much fighting. However, in the elections, including those not deceptive, we can not ever surprise of all: the rationality and the urn is a conflict that has dragged the mystery.

Around the quorum factor-McCain spin the second round of primaries. There are rumors and accounts are very optimistic, perhaps too much, from our point of view. However for McCannon will not be a walk as the media would have you believe. A whole world does not want American conservative vote, and even if you orient on HB rather than Paul, the fact remains that 1191 quota is not as close to 706 (maybe less) delegates awarded today to the pupil of Kissinger. HB is also called the large opacity with which the race continues, but no money with credit an institution that is close to Kissinger, the See: HB has named Richard Haas, the President's foreign policy adviser. And you know that would make false papers to become the deputy Mc. So the votes given to him the unwitting betrayal of the electorate are Southern, evangelical and conservative. Quote of the day: a vote for HB is a vote for Mc is a vote for Hillary (Rockwell so on).

Huck, two, three!

After Super Tuesday there have been two major interventions pubblici di Ron Paul come ospite, ed in entrambi, come è stato scritto anche qui nei commenti, il nostro è apparso in forma smagliante. Quanto all'esito, ritengo un po' sopravvalutato il successo alla conferenza dell'Unione dei Conservatori: è sì la più grande associazione che fiancheggia il Partito Repubblicano, ma la sala ha visto susseguirsi i fans del candidato di turno. Ieri hanno fatto tremare i muri per la gioia di salutare Bush, al grido di “quattro anni ancora!”.
Mi pare molto più importante invece l'intervento ieri di Paul davanti all'assemblea finora più vasta di tutta la campagna elettorale e forse della sua carriera: più di 8000 persone, quasi tutti studenti della Liberty University che ha organizzato l'evento in Virginia (dove si tiene la primaria il 12 Febbraio, 63 delegati). Uno Stato importante, che gravita sulla vicina Washington. Un ambiente accademico già vicino ai Bush nella grande università di stampo fortemente neocristiano e conservatore. E' in questi terreni che la ventata di razionalità di Ron Paul può creare innesti fecondi e dove la Ron Paul Spring può sbocciare: qui si coltiva l'America di domani. Cercheremo di tornare in tema dopo questa tornata elettorale.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Who Sara Evans Dating


Nell'annuncio del ritiro Romney si richiama al primo attempt and the waiving of Reagan in 1976, winning four years later, hinting that the challenge has been preparing since 2012 to the Democratic president in office.
As expected no endorsement for McCain, even remembers the distance from him on many issues, not including the fight against terrorism. Continuous references to the values \u200b\u200bof conservatism.
stressed that his retirement comes after great demonstrations of popular support, while still in the running candidates in single digit percentages.
uncommon emphasis on religion and his defense, he speaks with a strong moral tone of a preacher than a politician. Inevitable tug on terrorism and the role, including military, America in the world. Seems to want to cut a big leading role of the conservative opposition to the liberalism of McCain and Giuliani. The possible demise of the old GOP, we nominate the head of a conservative renewal: towards Romney 2012.

The media will continue their regular work of censorship, Reuters and Fox have already announced that only two candidates remain in contention, McCain and Huckabee. The model will fit all Fox? With only three candidates becomes hard to accommodate the establishment Ron Paul in the debates on TV. Can they do it only between McCain and Huckabee? And how do Huck, notoriously penniless, to pay the campaign for the remaining half of the primaries? Someone will help you make the opponent McCannon's puppet? And if Huck withdraws, who will be confronted with the false hero of Vietnam?
Who ?....

In the first launch of CNN have found yet another cryptic interpretation of election rules, but in fact Romney withdraws.
will be remembered as the candidate and as the richest man in the flip-flop (flip flops) so they call those who change their political views for convenience and is easily caught in a contradiction. We'll see if
behind this new fact there are no agreements, if you translate into advantage for McCain ... or simple pure anche per Ron Paul.

In ricordo del programma elettorale di Mitt Romney.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How Fast Can A 10 Hp Motor Go

Il ruggito del topo: Perché Ron Paul ha vinto le elezioni

Ron Paul ha raggiunto 42 delegati e forse più. Come speravamo, gli "arcani" caucus hanno dato un risultato migliore di quanto apparso in un primo momento. Dai media già traspare disappunto perché Ron Paul non si ritira...

L'elefante è il simbolo del Partito repubblicano.

Il titolo di questo post è quello dell'articolo che segue. L'autore è Doug Wead, storico e analista politico, ideatore, ci informa Michel Nystrom, di un espressione piuttosto nota, "conservatorismo compassionevole".
Leggo in un secondo tempo qualcosa di Wead, che non conoscevo: è una persona, almeno un tempo, notevolmente interna alla cerchia dei Bush! Forse quello di Wead, col suo modo particolare e un po' tardivo, è l'endorsement politicamente più rilevante finora ricevuto Ron Paul ]
Il pezzo di Wead appare oggi sul suo blog , ed è già stato ripreso sul web paulista. Il merito del pezzo e del compassionate conservatism è discutibile come tutto, ma credo sia interessante pubblicare quest'elogio Ron Paul in one day is not easy, coming from a conservative doc.


Well then, say the Republicans have a candidate. It would be a very positive thing, but there was only one clear winner in the confused struggle for the GOP nomination and was not John McCain. The winner was Ron Paul. And the effects of his victory will be felt for years to come.

Ron Paul made a classic political mistake. He told the truth. Debate after debate he pointed the finger at his party, his president and his fellow contenders for the nomination, shouting aloud like the proverbial story of the boy: "do not have cloth, "Yes, here, we looked at them and they really do not. They were completely naked.

He showed that the conservative movement has lost its way, its moral authority and its logic. He showed us that we have become the red team against the blue team. This happens when we decided that this is a policy of war and all normal rules are suspended, conservatives and liberals can do things to win. Conservatives that make the deficit grow, if that helps them to win. They can give ourselves to unnecessary unemployment benefits if it is to elect another "conservative" to congress. They can go to war if it brings up their president as a leader and brings to win another term.

But in the proceeding, Ron Paul has shown us that we have lost our way. We are no longer conservatives. We are fighting for power not for principles. We have to leave during the process of decay and the only way is to retrace our steps and recall all the things that we downloaded on the road.

Barry Goldwater lighted a similar fire with his Conscience of to keep . Its truth and arguments were so obvious and so honest that we laughed out loud reading them. But Goldwater himself was condemned to political defeat. And Ron Paul had no chance to win this election. It is understood the first time he opened his mouth.

Yet the words and arguments of Ron Paul still resonate. Still hovering over this election. They are disturbing and unforgettable. They created blogs, documents and books that will surely one day, like Goldwater's revolution, will produce the new Ronald Reagan. And when those heady days are a small but hearty group of pioneers, who first have the courage to join him and start screaming in the streets "They have no clothes on!", Will say that they could see what the country had lost. Because they were already there, as he made history.

John McCain and his poorly chosen words, stay in Iraq one hundred years, they've almost guaranteed he'll answer the question "Who was the losing Republican ticket that won him the first woman or first black man to the presidency? Another interesting question is: "Who was the other candidate in the race that year that launched the movement which then dominate national politics for the next generations?"
And the answer will be Ron Paul.

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Ron Paul: continuare, correggere, rifondare...

I believe that everyone is already aware of yesterday's results, although not definitive.
They are 21, 15 in Washington, should not be missing a statement by Ron Paul, however, to now it's just announced his speech tomorrow at a conference on conservatism where there will be McCain (!). Paul will go on, without illusions presidential, now it is clear to even the most incurable optimists.
appears that neither Romney nor Huckabee have desire to give up, there is no agreement in sight.
One can only hope that the "arcane" (as the Los Angeles Times today!) Rules of the caucus, with their delegates released eventually bring in some more numbers to make it necessary for Paul to Minneapolis.
arrive at the convention in September and no one already has the majority would be a nice s result, in spite of the rhetoric on governance, unity, sulla leadership sicura e via trombonando.
Se un pezzo del sistema è al collasso, in questo caso il Great Old Party, è meglio che si decomponga rapidamente: qualcosa di nuovo dovrà sostituirlo e al peggio non c'è mai fine, ma per il movimento paulista dovrebbero esserci più chances di inserimento in un momento di crisi piuttosto che in uno di grande forza.
Un movimento, e spero che torneremo a discuterne, molto più variegato di quanto l'etichetta "libertaria" può ammettere.

Propongo di usare i commenti a questo post per un dialogo alla luce del big tuesday.
Lancio qualche spunto, poi su tutto si tornerà.

- il problema della libertà di informazione esiste, la vicenda internettiana di Ron Paul è positiva, dieci anni fa sarebbe stato impensabile il risultato di oggi. Però non è bastato. Bisogna proseguire su questa via, accelerare il transito all'informazione su internet di tantissime persone, anche medio-giovani e istruite che ancora non l'hanno fatto.

- Dato per acquisito che Ron Paul ieri ha subito ancora brogli (in alcuni seggi il suo nome non c'era, mentre c'era quello di Giuliani e di Thompson) e che in generale la "democrazia" americana è strettamente pilotata, cos'è di Ron Paul che non ha convinto tanti elettori che pure l'hanno conosciuto? Come dice qualche commento al post precedente e come trovai sulla Cnn già dopo la Florida, in molti temono le proposte libertarie private law and radicals in health and welfare.

- A dialogue is not biased and not too theoretical, where we discuss the practical positive and negative sides of the liberal-libertarian views of government and social-may be useful for us, instead of talking about "Berlusconi" and "communists"?
making this application note what I mentioned above, namely that the movement is very paulista "mixed" if the engine of the campaign was only the libertarian movement (which is different in its expression was strongly attacked and slandered Paul), not could be reached even at Christmas.

-The wise choice of Ron Paul Republicans to remain in the confirmation that the third way, the independent bipolar systems are not consolidated in the way: if there is just a small gap in the larger groups is useful slide and contaminate the point where you can. For this reason I do not think we even here the effectiveness of contractors and grilliste lists, as has been written in the comments. In any case, we want a leader who is "political", as Ron Paul: this is not the place to discuss Cricket, but he is technically not a political leader. Not seeing a Ron Paul Italian horizon, while it would be useful to disseminate culturally-and who, at political level, the pattern and substance of his success, however, is not small. In Europe, with different political systems-election, he broke through a similar experience ....