In the post "flying wing Truth '[Beta version subject to change] " we observed ilpassato. I can not deny that the reading of that post and' preliminareall'approccio this and that reading the that other and 'to both. In any event, and we continue to today. I cattivissimi , ripetiamolo, sono semprepochi. Hanno un filo diretto con Lucifer il quale, all’animaccia sua, li schifaquanto me e te ma non puo’ esimersi dalpatrocinare le loro malefatte . E’ la sua missione. Piu’ questi fanno danni,piu’ si carica il male, piu’ evolve Jahve’. Qui serve chiarire un punto ed approfondireil concetto di Karma.
La questione di fondo - s’e’detto - e’ che, dopo aver fatto il pianeta Terra, Jahve’ s’era seduto sugliallori pensando d’aver realizzato qualcosa di tanto bello da non necessitarepiu’ d’alcuna evoluzione. In and our effect 'by far the planet more' beautiful universe Italy and 'out of debate over the country' beautiful in the world, we should feel proud as percio'capire Yahweh 'in front of a' cosi'splendida work, especially when the rotation of the globe's placed under the gliocchi boot. Well, that peccadillo of pride - that ... by the way ... daai ... sipoteva we also go above ... - However, quelpeccato pride unleashed 'Karma that went crazy in some modocompensato. That place was so 'Bellodi be able to bring to the only beauty perdition its creator. How to compensate the excessive positive Karma? Lucifer advice 'to Yahweh' difornire the free will of a species among others, allowing cosi'l'evoluzione produced by the multiplication of errors and conseguentisoluzioni. In computer terms, imagine you call Yahweh 'and be unprogrammatore who did a software scary, fantastic, you're convinced that it is not a bug . Here comes another program and tells you he thinks your software not 'bomb-proof. Tudici yes' but he insists. Destiny wants and what 'more' streetwise you eprobabilmente also right. The fact is that suggests you put your program allaprova unassailable. How? Entering a virus . We.
I know, the curiosity 'and' Manon much wondering who they are. What do I know? I do not know hardly anyone. Dicerto are not different Rotshchild or Rockefeller or Bush or Soros . These examples, along with many others, are senior management, which is also protected by Bonaparte in blood lines, but not in all'ultimopiano circulate. The real nasty are few - perhaps only three lines of blood-and the only thing we can say with certainty 'that each catered' to force a more 'bad deglialtri . metodisanguinolenti use to get in touch with their promoter designated ossiaLucifer which, remember, and 'soul un'astutissima sixth-density' che se nonci ha ancora soggiogati tutti e’ proprio perche’ anche a lei i cattivissimistanno sulle palle. Questi ultimi hanno uno scopo nella vita: vogliono fottercitutti, vogliono che tutte le anime a nocciolo buono finiscano nei loro tentacoli,non s’accontentano piu’ d’averci incatramato l’anima rendendoci incapaci diriconoscere il male, ora lo ostentano – sempre piu’ sfacciati - e pretendono che noi lo si accetti volontariamentee si collabori alle loro malefatte . Questo carica sensibilmente il Karmanegativo e non a caso e’ la loro ultima sfida in vista del 2012. Ricorda tantoil patto di Faust col Diavolo.
Beh... se puo’ rendere il quadropiu’ nitido, possiamo definire questa accolita di cattivissimi con un nome: Satana .Che non e’ un gigantesco mostro pelle e ossa col forcone in una zampa avvoltadalle fiamme, ma semplicemente una tavolata di stronzi che hanno come obiettivocomune di fare piu’ male possibile. Di gente cosi’ ce n’e’ talmente poca chequesti sono stati costretti ad accoppiarsi piu’ o meno sempre tra loro peresser certi che il genoma nero non si infettasse di un minimo d’umanita’. Dacentinaia di generazioni detengono un potere inimmaginabile per un uomo comunema, intendiamoci, sono bruttissimi to see and make a life of shit 'cause at every' pushed loading addossoun negative Karma crazy. They will have their reasons but I am not sure dainvidiare, indeed you can not 'feel sorry for them and that ultimately apensarci well, hold on without knowing that their sad work Yahweh' nonevolverebbe quickly to break situationby . However, if we want, we can define this well pocoallegra group by the name of Satanic Oligarchy, but only if you promise not to confuse them with Lucifer otherworldly.
Back then the giorninostri. The excellent work of ' OligarchiaSatanica and 'under the eyes of all, fate, and' writing. Let's face it, we are working on these for five thousand years while we were watching rainbows and counting petals margheritaimmersi in an imaginary world until this morning. Today, as always, but today they control everything - unlike in the past - have latecnologia able to exterminate humanity 'and destroy the planet, diaprirlo like a coconut. Observed from the metaphysical point of view, the progression is in direzionedesiderata , a peak that is critical to redeem the evil that peccatod'orgoglio of Yahweh ', making him retrace his steps and making ammettereche, agree ... and will 'come good just like this planet Earth but vedinon was still perfect and the way to the eighth density' catered 'ancoratanta to go. operatodell'Oligarchia The Satanic and 'punctual as a Swiss chronometer nelrealizzare the hints that, although' unwillingly, Lucifer and 'forced afornirle. So 'we can assume that gonna' get worse until rupture situationby . It 's so he has to go but not all evil comes pernuocere, as they say.
The stench of the atrocities' siconsumano that in every moment and in every place on Earth is facendoinsopportabile for an increasing number of minds. The first to scalfireil shell are available to those who have less encrusted dellamedia souls. I have no idea what depends, perhaps by reincarnation but there mettouna hand in the fire at least until 'I do not reincarnated into Superman. With the worsening of the general situation, these intellects lucky you are doing more and more 'receptive . Acasa not, in recent months, have increased cases of people who accorgonodi have been wrapped in a blanket of contradictions all my life. Daqualsiasi part turn around, now found only contradictions. In policy, in ' economy, personal relationships, in society costumidella ' in distorsionimediatiche . A torn piece of skin from the soul, a lot dimarciume is revealed. It is a ' cosi'immonda infection and spread - as we have seen - and' dazzling difficileda and truly recognize, difficult to accept, frustrating to endure, to face heroic.
But if ildestino and how to deal with 'marked? In order to develop an exit strategy - what Americans call ibellicosi exitstrategy – e’ necessario far chiarezza sul nostro ruolo nella partita. Percome la vedo io, ciascuno di noi buoniha la possibilita’ di intervenire (il libero arbitrio non ce lo possonolevare) ossia – in termini di metodo - ha a disposizione degli obiettivi daraggiungere se vuole fare qualcosa di utile per se’ e per gli altri in vistadella resa dei conti. Il bello e’ che ciascuno ha i suoi e se li deve trovareda se’. Abbiamo detto che la direttricegenerale e’ caricare a palla il Karma di Jahve’ , ossia di tutti noi.Abbiamo altresi’ stabilito che allacarica negativa ci pensano i cattivissimi , l’Oligarchia Satanica che sitrascina appresso una fiumana di anime perdute, quelle di cui si avvale peralimentare le malvagita’ all around theworld . La maggior parte di quelli che non si lasciano del tutto trascinaredal flusso del male dorme a tutt’oggi in un sonno spirituale profondo. Non e’una questione di istruzione, di classe economica d’appartenenza o chissa’ chealtro. Dormono praticamente tutti. Il loro nocciolo e’ bello foderato di crostae l’intelletto – utilizzato a pieno regime per altre mille attivita’ - nonriceve nemmeno quel minimo di ispirazione mistica necessaria ad avviare ilprocesso di risveglio.
In mezzo a questi belliaddormentati nel XXI secolo si stanno risvegliando, come dicevamo, gliintelletti piu’ ricettivi ed e’ su questi che ci concentreremonell’elaborazione della nostra exitstrategy dall’Apocalisse. Airisvegliandi necessita anzitutto il coraggio di fare un considerevole refresh delle convinzioni di una vita .La volonta’ di fare repulisti bisogna saperla trovare dentro di se’. L’accesso alla via della consapevolezzanon si puo’ e non si deve ottenere grazie alla pervicacia di qualcun altro chece lo mostra insistentemente. E’ untraguardo che solo se raggiunto in autonomia si trasforma in un nuovo punto dipartenza .
including severity 'dellasituazione, a person in recovery phase should not lose heart. In front of the armies of the evil we see children, helpless. Efforts paionovani because 'success seems unattainable. This is because 'in general sitende to think that the aim is the victory of good sense in factual ossiala end of wars, world peace and so on. For this purpose a person dibuon sense, of course (unfortunately), is revealed utopian dunqueirrealizzabile. In fact - as anticipated - seems that the purpose Nonsi this for two reasons. The first and 'that because the average level of awareness of the human population, unmondo senza conflitti sarebbe proprio un mortorio simile a quello che leanime di sesta sono venute a movimentare migliaia di anni orsono. Quelloodierno tra l’altro e’ stato vistosamente deturpato dalnostro passaggio e non e’ piu’ l’Eden di una volta. La seconda e’ che, comegia’ anticipato, quello che stiamo vivendo non e’ l’ultimo scontro dell’eternalotta del bene contro il male, ma una battaglia intermedia il cui vincitore designato e’ il nostro avversario .
Basti considerare la sproporzionedelle forze in campo: la preparazione millenaria degli uni contro ilrecentissimo, partial awakening of others. At what 'we can add that ICATT use of a hierarchical organization perfected over the centuries sutras fronts: religious, socio-economic and military. Clergy , Freemasonry and army pyramids are intended to control the usodella souls through fear. The individual accondiscendenteche back on its feet and 'what compromises always piu'contraddittori and internalize them as faith. If he accepts the contradictions, that if you put any time, voluntarily, a coat of tar on the soul, then salt and feel more 'protected. When it reaches high levels, the sheathing insulates the soul can 'be said to be tightly closed. Spaziolasciato The free spirit is occupied by an oversized ego, the intellect, but works hard in the dark. Such individuals, benche'rivestano prestigious positions and are called masters, or enlightened, sonoveri and their puppets, made of tuttoincapaci to take an independent decision. Besides, their beliefs and 'assolutamenteillogico because it' s a scale that does not allow 'in any case, reach the summit because of the vicious circulate the OligarchiaSatanica, and' limited. If people distrust them immediately chipropone a race that is not ' allowed access to the top of the charts not would fall into the trap. Call me cynical, but if he intends to climb a mountain, before starting least want to be sure that the top siaraggiungibile . In actual practice: clergy, Freemasonry sonopiramidi hierarchical army and whose summit is 'inaccessible - and it will not' ever - al99, 99% of climbers. Even the few for which e 'leadership expected to have, in turn, no hope of entering the Oligarchy Satanic circulate. Parteciparein that team and 'therefore completely illogical but it' s the only chance for the poor, namely for those who siaccontenta. In general, in fact, one begins by accepting the 'lesser evil' and then, if you are 'fairly bad or stupid, you go up a bit'.

The 'revolutions' of this front from North Africa are the days ' ennesimadimostrazione that we do not know' to a club, we the peoples. Even gliarabi, which should have a little 'more' Sleeping on the stomach pasciutioccidentali of us are able to make a revolution. Li spraying of sciechimiche too? Trails or trails, the road and 'Esplanade, the provegenerali have shown that up there' may be what the masses do chevogliono. The simple people sara'condizionata to kill each other in the streets, between ethnicities, between classisociali, including political parties . People kill 'and will' kill perniente - and this annoys - 'cause it will not have' understood nothing of what 'that lacirconda. Cannon fodder, some might say. Anime wasted and lost points, I say.
Possiamo elaborare la nostra exit strategy soltanto se teniamo nelladovuta considerazione le regole delgioco – gli equilibri dinamici del Karma che ti invito ad approfondire conletture ad hoc - e l’obiettivo del gioco , ossia ilraggiungimento della massima dissonanza tra positivo e negativo. Vincere non significa distruggere i cattivi (distruggere e’ una loro prerogativa e sono convinto che prima o poi si rivelera’un’arma a doppio taglio), ne’ tanto meno redimerli (piu’ loro sono caricati dimale, piu’ noi lo siamo di bene), ne’ tanto meno odiarli (finiremmo per fare iloro interessi). I cattivi ai livelli medium altidelle hierarchies are conscious that they come to terms with the devil, of evil are similar. It sonoschierati, have had their badges and now they are even proud of. Possiamochiamarli colonels of evil. And the colonels Chisato good?
Eye 'cause this e'forte ... us! buoniconsapevoli All of these have potential to be good colonels. Quelli'operativi 'are a band still meager, but on this you can' work. And isergenti, the marshals, captains? None of this'. In this squadranon there 'no hierarchy, no team orders, no organization. Ocolonnelli or nothing, one for all and all for one. Chivalry, no doubt, but unfortunately there's no 'much more ... The situation seems hopeless. A benvedere but 'there are some good news. We play in the team that we have a chance deibuoni crazy: the good, to proliferate, diiniezioni need not fear, conditioned media or pyramidal hierarchies. And good works 'in the air, proliferates patchy - by osmosis spontaneous - ede', let's face it, very cool. c'e'nulla not more 'cool good, being free, serene, at peace with se'stessi and neighbor. That ' our weapon of mass infection, Aben see, and 'the only one we have. If we are committed to the cause of good rispondendosoltanto to our conscience, we may well tell us all colonels. E 'awareness to renderciresponsabili of our actions and our omissions. To find out sixth going in the right direction we can only observe each other, confront and - if necessary - to help one another. No one compels us, except ourselves - and none of us can 'never know with absolute certainty Seha hit it the right choices.
marzodell'anno 2011 We are in the month of the Christian era, I look around and realize that the soloterreno public confrontation and which 'granted to the intrepid colonel Blogosphere It is the good, at least until' gentlemen not abbasserannol'interruttore. Each media of Massai ' appannaggiodell'avversario : television, print, social networking sites. For information farebuona there 'no other way to get the helmet, baptized blogger - any personadotata an internet connection and a modicum dipalle and' potentially a blogger - and communicate . Bloggers can be very effective and retroviruses - unarmed fino aidenti - lanciarsi nel plasma infetto del sistema a cavallo dei loro post. Per come la vedo io, i bloggers sono la cavalleria .
Oggi molte persone fortunate sistanno risvegliando – la interpreto come una reazione alla sempre piu’insopportabile negativita’ che ammorba l’aria – ed i risvegli si moltiplicano ad un ritmo accelerato . Per uscire daldormiveglia, molte di queste anime incerte si affacciano al mondodell’informazione alternativa, alla Blogosfera. Lucifer , che e’ il miglior stratega sulla piazza, non hasottovalutato il rischio di lasciarsi sfuggire millions of souls to contagiospontaneo and has placed a host of "truth 'alternative' back through the window to the souls uscitedalla door. It's seven new age, philanthropic associations, the idolimediatici, urban legends and so on. A word of advice to those who are 'nuovodell'ambiente: not trust anyone! Anyone will propose the solution "real" you are - the more 'consciously or not-taking the piss. No one should tell you what to do, no one really knows cosas right and wrong. Nobody knows for sure what will happen if and 'the 21 December 2012. Do not you ever say what it 's true and what is not,' always be wary, do not blindly trust dinessuno, not even me 'cause I, too, among the good things, sicuramentedelle say the wrong things. Yahweh is wrong '! I can not go wrong? The truth 'assolutanon and' accessible to anyone 'cause, ultimately, there is no single truth ' . And 'truth' what 'you think that's true, until' you believe it's true. And if you realize that it is not 'more', you cambiatoidea, then do not be shy, indeed, and 'an extraordinary moment, and' a piccolosuccesso good, and 'a step forward. Everytime you change your mind forfeiture of an item and make a raspberry all'esercitoavversario . It adds up to this time.
The goal of the game 'and therefore farpunti for points there are two ways: if lavoraresu' themselves and help others to do likewise . The objective e'strappare more 'souls as possible by the huge basin diindifferenti Satanic oligarchy that populate the planet. The way I see it and 'them that bisognaandare to fish to get a result, both in the analog world is quellodigitale. Speaking of websites, to whom and 'more' useful to direct our writing?
In general of evil? (The Vatican, the Rothschilds, the Pentagon and viadiscorrendo) And those who can move them.
the colonels of evil? (Obama, Mussoloni, Take diLasagna , the Condor , Galeazzo and away we go) too many compromises.
For corporals?
here is to save ilsalvabile. From a certain level then they are too rotten to let them lorodestino. Those who can ancoraredimere are ordinary soldiers, participants involuntary inconsapevolidi food in their small, the grand design of evil. The people, lagente common, they are the lost sheep and they are many. Every soul It is a point, let us not forget, and - although I still do not know - looks Orad to our side.
So the good thing is TODO? I say it should be wake up and take a positive role, active, generous and helpful unstoppable in this race to the limit. There 'unariserva of sleepers to be addressed in order to strapparepiu' souls as possible to the enemy . If we'll watch without intervening, will give all anger and violence and will be 'even our fault. Chinon does sell, I suggest secede , ie exit the system of money, abuse and dallaperversione rifiutarela of violence in all its forms .
Why 'risking skin inmanifestazioni of dubious paternity' when you can do a lot more 'dannisemplicemente leaving the mechanism? Minimoindispensabile to reduce consumption, we stop working, paying taxes, smoking, macinarechilometri all. Spegniamoil TV, eat healthy and just enough, we recognize the dignity 'in thrift and nonnell' dellerisorse abuse. Cut the enemy army supplies, leave them alone and they will fuck each other for . Each AnimaciĆ³ will refuse 'their game will be' a point for our team and ungrattacapo for them. That 's the challenge. That 's the mission. And there is no cross-eyed and 'time to lose.
nilly you have been catapulted into the ring and opposite haiil Goliath . Resolve to blows I do not think the strategy piu'astuta. Among other things you have no court to which to appeal and no one to throw it sponge to stop the match. Are you two, the thirteenth shot, soon will play 'the bell. Goliath and 'furious, he knows he wants to win but altappeto.
Questa e’ la tua situazione. Dairetta a me... e’ l’ultimo round ... la exit strategy e’ una sola:
“Occhi aperti, mobilesulle gambe e soprattutto schiva ragazzo mio! Schiva!”
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