Wednesday, February 9, 2011

C Section Babies Stroke And

2010 Hattrick - The contributions of the players in TABLE

I take a small break from the big job losses in skills and proceed to publish a table that could be handy. I've often been asked for information and clarification on the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients of the prediction, with the question "yes, but as it adds a level of skill X to Y area?"

I was able to explain both here in the blog that other parties who were trying to approximate the coefficients of the total given by a sub-level of skill of the player in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe field, prior to considerations of form, strength and experience.

For qulcosa of more immediately, just take the prediction F (developed by a research carried out last spring / summer forum in Italy and in DAC from estimates in Flatterman, divide the coefficients for 4 et voila here is that the estimate is no longer sub-levels, but levels (as a level consists of 4 tiers). In addition, all values \u200b\u200bincrease by about 18.65% to take into account a fixed amount of a standard level of the parameters of shape, strength and experience. Columns

  • The role of the player (Porter, DC = central defender left and right = left = right, triplets, DC = midfielders, wingers and forwards) with the possible individual order (standard, offensive, defensive, tw = Toward wing toward the wing and tm = Toward middle, toward the center)
  • The situation in central areas (1, 2 or 3 players with the relative malus already included)
  • The areas of skill on the field, and then directed to the midfield, Parades and Defense for the Defense Central and defended left side (left) and right (right), steps and connection to the Central Attack, Passing, and Cross Connection Attack the left side (left) and right (dx)

Here is the table divided into three parts:

Table al primo impatto può sembrare complicata, ma in realtà è piuttosto semplice, prendiamo ad esempio il portiere, vedo che ha i contributi

in Difesa Centrale
0.165 per parate
0.079 per difesa

se il portiere è un 12/6 in parate/difesa il suo apporto sarà di
12*0.165 + 6*0.079 = 2.45 livelli alla difesa centrale

insomma i valori indicano chiaramente QUANTO apporta UN livello di una data skill a quella specifica zona di campo .

Faccio un altro esempio: gioco con 1 solo difensore centrale normal e sto valutando se cambiare il mio difensore con 4 in regia con uno con 7 in regia e mi chiedo quanto guadagnerei a centrocampo.
Vado a vedere in table: the value is 0035
so if you increase the value of the third director of central defender skill gain 0035 * 3 = 0105 levels in the midfield, that is a little less than half a sublayer.

Some final notes:
  • figures are estimates set forth herein for purposes of comparison between the players, not to build an accurate predictor of the values \u200b\u200bof the areas of field
  • DEFENSE: The values \u200b\u200bare calculated with moderate training, if you have the unscrupulous or the defense of the values \u200b\u200bfound in the field will naturally be a bit 'different (reference Article on the details of HO! to see exactly what I avoid technicalities in this article).
  • DEFENCE: values \u200b\u200bare calculated normal, lower values \u200b\u200bare found in the center if you play AOW (attack on the wings), in the sides if you play AIM (attack in the center), in the center and sides if you play free enterprise
  • MIDFIELD: The values \u200b\u200brefer to the value net midfield (that found playing away, without the bonus of 20% of play at home or 11%-odd playing the derby away from home) without PIC or MOTS, with average values \u200b\u200bof TS
  • ATTACK: As mentioned for defense, the values \u200b\u200bare calculated with moderate training, if you have the unscrupulous or the defensive all the values \u200b\u200bobserved in the field will naturally be a bit 'different.
  • connection: the calculated values \u200b\u200bare normal, playing shots from a distance there is a slight penalty (3%) values.
  • ATTACK: values \u200b\u200bare relative to average levels of confidence.

PS. take a look at ' CONTENTS of the blog, there are several items that may be of interest.

Andreace (team in Hattrick ID 1730726)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed by Andreace under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License . Ie, this work may be freely copied, distributed or modified without express permission of the author, provided that the author is clearly stated and the publication is not for commercial purposes.


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