The results of the Eighth Edition 2009/2010
La Giuria, composta da: Anna Bruno , Ciro Carfora , Luisa Della Porta , Gerardo Santella , Rossella Tempesta , Raffaele Urraro e Giuseppe Vetromile , dopo attenta analisi e valutazione dei 374 elaborati dei 195 autori partecipanti, prendendo atto dell’ottima qualità dei lavori presentati, ha così deliberato:
Sez. A – Poesia in lingua italiana a tema libero:
1° Premio a Paolo Polvani , di Barletta (Ba), per la poesia “Cose che avvengono”;
2nd prize in Benito Galilee, Rome, for the poem "Taste of dawn and evening;
3rd prize in Ivano Mugnaini, Massarosa (Lu), in the poem" We were just us;
Special Award "Naples Cultural Classic" on Lucianna Argentino, Rome;
Special Award "Lions Club International Executive Committee Citizenship humanitarian" gemmis De Marco, Naples.
Reports on: Maricla Of God Morgano (Calascibetta, En); Antonio De Marchi Gerin (Gera Lario, Co); John Case (Siano, Sa); Carmen Consoli (Florence); Domenico Luiso (Bito, Ba); Joseph Napolitano (form); Righetti Marco (Roma).
Sec. B - Poetry Theme: Environment and the Vesuvius area
1st prize in Rossella Luongo of Avellino, in the poem "Beauty and the Beast".
2nd prize in Alberta Maresca, Vico Equense (Na), for the poem "Sun 'and fevraro.
Report on Roberto Morpurgo (Bulgarograsso, Co) and Nino Cesarano (Nola).
youth sections
1st prize in Francesco Iannone, Fisciano (Sa), for the poem "Exhausted necks airs on the night."
special prize to the State School "Fedele Sebastian" by Minto.
Report on Raffaele Liguoro (Anastasia, Na); Liliana Peruzzu (Marigliano, Na); Silvia Riccio (Napoli).
Section "local poet"
1st prize: Domenico Cassese, Palma Campania (Naples), for the poem "The eyes of a farewell." A certificate of commendation
some Poets of Naples and the Vesuvius area.
Winners will be notified and reported by personal communication.
We thank all the poets who participated in this eighth edition of the competition, with the hope of increasing claims, especially for those (and there are many!) That are not returned in the narrow list of finalists, while showing great skill and poetic quality.
The awards ceremony, to which all are invited, is scheduled for Saturday, May 8, 2010 , at 17, at the Public Library of St. Anastasia in Piazza Madonna Arch (Na).
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