Saturday, April 25, 2009

Double Black Diamond Deaths

Greetings from the Mayor and the Councillor for Culture

Culture is the vector through which you retrieve the historical and social roots of a Comunità e la si proietta nel futuro.
Agli organizzatori del Premio Nazionale di Poesia “Città di Sant’Anastasia” va la mia sincera stima.
Ai poeti il ringraziamento per la partecipazione e per aver contribuito, con il loro libero pensiero, ad ampliare il concetto del bello inserendolo nella quotidianità.
Le soluzioni tecniche più ardite ai problemi di una Comunità, hanno bisogno di un contesto pregnante per divenire durature.
Al poeta, il compito di lavorare alla formazione dell’humus.
All’Amministratore, la responsabilità di rimuovere ogni ostacolo, affinché ciò avvenga.
Insieme si deve interagire per rafforzare il profilo identitario del paese, accrescere awareness of its wealth and rise to the hope of new fertility culture.

Mr. Carmine Pone, Mayor of St. Anastasia

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E 'with great joy that, as a proxy to the culture for the City of St. Anastasia, I have followed this poetry competition. Italy, you know, in addition to being a nation of saints and sailors, is a nation of poets. And prizes. Now, a plethora of them, could be of harm to the quality of the product. With intellectual honesty and pride I can say that this does not apply to this contest. In fact, thanks to the dedication and the competence of the soul, Giuseppe Vetromile, the prize has taken off ... and is becoming an adult ... We hope to become increasingly important, in order to advertise our city already known for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Arch.
Besides, it's comforting to know everyone and know that there people who can catch, from everyday existence, emotions, and forward them to the common man is almost always swallowed up in the trials of each day.
would live without poetry is the same, someone might object. But the world is shown in black and white, and we perceive blur. And, in our latitudes, it would definitely damage added.

Luigi De Simone, Deputy Mayor for Education, Culture and Mariana Citadel, the City of St. Anastasia


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