Ron Paul clones ... bye neocons! Ron Paul
Eccoli, alcuni dei Ron Paul Republicans... la Ron Paul Revolution si materialiizza
Chiedo scusa ai nostri lettori per un silenzio che è durato oramai più di un mese.
Il percorso delle primarie e dei caucus è stato talmente accidentato che mi ha veramente rattristato e scoraggiato assai. Non parliamo poi del fatto di vedere i contributi alla la campagna ufficiale praticamente azzerarsi verso end of February, a fine, almost overnight, the Republican TV debates, and, "Amaris" at least, more than any other thing that I did and continues to get on my nerves, that even with only two Republicans in the race for the presidency, most of the media continues to make a black cross on Ron Paul and his candidacy.
I am very slowly recovering from the deep disappointment and try to understand what is happening now in motion Paulista.
The smile on my face is coming back, even if it's a little bitter that I am concerned at the White House between 2009 and 2012, a person will reside less politically and humanely with the Doctor.
Some reflections So turn up that Ron Paul is taking the deal, what is happening ...
In general, one can say that the Ron Paul Revolution is changing. I have the impression that the worm is about to become a butterfly, although for now the worm has been buried there is a profound silence on its location.
return to the point:
Ron has taken his Texas with a landslide victory, hooray! On (see photo) find an impressive list of people who have launched their candidacies for various political functions, especially in the U.S. Congress and the Senate (and some of them have already won the election!) And that shape their policy with that of Ron Paul, who in part and those who totally. The support that will give Ron wave of fresh faces and full of constitutionality, non-interventionism, lower federal spending, etc., in short, a healthy dose of libertarianism, could do so much good for American politics. I wonder if many well-organized, they will also scale and / or point of reference and reflection for the new President (assuming that this president really plays the Deputies and Senators).
Ron continues to speak anywhere. In TV, radio, college campuses and elsewhere. His pace is still staggering. Almost every day, browsing, I find a new clip to listen to, and I must say that the doctors seem to become more lively and meaningful every day (which is tough for people who are obliged, moreover, to repeat almost the same thing).
I really hope that Ron will be able to find a way to have a debate with McCain. McCannon difficult to accept that, knowing full well that Ron slam to left and right on every possible aspect of domestic and foreign policy, but wait and see. Somehow, it should be possible to force a debate between the two.
Finally, there, an initiative which is also involved in exciting Trevor Lyman (founder of the Blimp and MoneyBombs), which is practically a new media network. The company, Basic Media, create, build and will contact radio and TV stations that promote non-mainstream political views and that based on Internet-based worldwide. Basic Media will create a maximum spread of programs that involve all actors. Even though for now it just sounds a little vague, I can not wait, because I really appreciated the experiments with RonPaulRadio, RonPaulAudio, etc.! Who knows, a new phenomenon like YouTube ... but more seriously, about Gandhi, Paul, King and others in a breath? It would not be bad.
Dear readers, you are aware of other initiatives? Go-ahead mutual education and discussion!
Dear all,
not know about you, but I, for old habit, I am carried away in the Italian election campaign, no less exciting and less-than-decisive American. Our elections have been decided suddenly just when Ron Paul was drawing to regain the seat in Congress and a symbolic participation in the primaries but literally aimed far.
Francis has well described the situation in the past month and I find it amazing that some paulista of his movement in parliament to come!
In the coming days I will quietly collect and publish new ideas from history paulista. It will be impossible to return to the rhythms sleepless held between late October and February, I have really panned, but I can, thanks to Francis, faithful soul and underground fire of this blog, I was whipped for the second time to play the game Ron Paul.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of all, thanks and apologies in particular to Francis Rossi and Mirko, who had given excellent contributions, which will not be lost! - Just nel momento in cui stava calando il mio impegno.
Nei commenti agli ultimi post ritornava la discussione sui "paralleli" possibili tra le posizioni di Ron Paul e la politica italiana, su come attivare una sorta di movimento paulista qui da noi.
Vedo difficile il passaggio alla politica attiva, come nel caso dei signori della foto sopra: loro almeno vengono da un movimento già esistente e hanno un leader in ottima forma. Sarebbe già bello continuare una discussione tematica e formativa, oltre le elezioni americane.
Il mio scetticismo deriva dall'osservazione in Italia della "galassia" critica al "sistema", che in real life si aggrega principalmente a movimenti di estrema destra left and the libertarian in really tiny, and in parts of the world but they look good Catholic political activism. These areas
exercising similar criticism on subjects such as foreign policy and not secondary dominance of "big powers", especially financial, and proved in practice to be difficult to reconcile, in contrast to what has begun to happen in America around Ron. Anyway, I hope he recovers the debate and I'll be happy if someone dispelling!
Good reading and see you soon!