From the 14th congressional district of Texas Ron Paul prepares his return to Parliament: in the Republican primary said it was easy for Chris Peden, who has based his campaign solely on the denigration of the opponent. The transition was tricky, however the final contest for the seat with Democratic challenger should not worry.
Meanwhile in the presidential primaries, the media continued to ignore Paul, who is not even mentioned in the chronicles election despite being only three competitors (but now Huckabee retired): I should go to seek their votes in the summary tables. It 'still night in America and the official website of Ron Paul already flaunting the image "were in two." McCain has effectively won the nomination of an absolute majority of the delegates will see how Paul interprets being "left in two." The exception
history of a candidate who is running in these conditions can raise the curiosity to him and to further increase his movement. Despite the long winter
information, yesterday in the four states where voting was Ron Paul did not get more than 7% but has picked up 130,000 votes of other citizens, in addition to more than 600,000 already ricevuti.
Voti che pesano più di quel che contano. Rappresentano, lo dicevo già ieri, un movimento determinato e cosciente, sono persone raggiunte dall'isolato grido in difesa della libertà interna ed internazionale che non è rappresentata dai candidati dell'establishment. Voti che secondo qualcuno non dovrebbero neanche esistere, benchè largamente insufficienti nella corsa presidenziale. I regimi non possono tollerare 730.000 e presto un milione di cittadini che gli si oppongono pacifici. Un milione di americani continuerà a ricordare anche agli altri che vivono in una democrazia truccata. E' troppo, per un regime. Ma il movimento paulista si consolida, a Giugno marcerà su Washington. Ci sarà ancora molto da raccontare.
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