Ron Paul in Congress, with an eye to the Fed
billboards, Texas. In the next hours will be held Republican primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, Rhode Island and especially the primary district in parliament to reconfirm Ron Paul!
I apologize for not having warned the friends of the blog, we took a little 'break, which is a bit stretched. Does not reduce the passion, our movement continues paulista virtual, and there will be more able to discuss what and how it can become real, even in Italy.
I do not stop the grassroots campaign in the states concerned: dozens, hundreds of thousands of new Americans who express a conscious vote, not induced by the media, are added to Sao Paulo that the movement will march on Washington. Ron Paul has been concentrated in the reconquest of his parliamentary seat and oversees the district. Must beat Republican opponent John Peden, neocon province that has spent the last week in an attempt to discredit him, seems to thankfully with poor results: the polls are largely favorable to our own. Then comes the challenge with the Democratic candidate, and then Paul will return to Congress enriched the incredible experience of these months. Her voice among the deputies, "isolated" by definition, represents instead a mass movement, active, present, determined to seek freedom and justice within and outside the United States.
advertising spread from Bushists Peden, Ron Paul's opponent in the primary for Congress.
The state of economic crisis, the tensions with Iran, the tragedy of the Palestinian people dominate the political agenda, probably without the right solutions are on the agenda. The life of us all, even those who do not know clearly what is happening, unfortunately, it is greatly affected.
few days ago the Commission Finance of the House, Ron Paul has spoken yet of the Fed's policies of the address, and the next post will be celebrating his victory in the congressional primary!
------------ Financial Services Committee hearing on February 26, 2008
Mr President,
Price control is almost universally despised by economists. The negative economic consequences of planning prices are numerous and well documented. This series of hearings are held to discuss the most important but least understood of price manipulation in the world today: the manipulation of interest rates.
deciding the federal funds rate, the rate at which banks and the Federal Reserve System lend money to each other, the Federal Reserve prevent market players compete to determine a market interest rate. The Federal Reserve and the federal government does not allow to interfere with setting the house prices, interest rates on mortgages, or prices of wood and steel. However, the actions of the Fed in setting the rate of funding that matches the cost of money to people who asked to borrow, affects the prices of every economic sector in a manner less pervasive, but exactly how damaging the direct control of prices.
The example of the Soviet Union should have taught us that not a single person, or a group of people, no matter how scientifically trained, can arbitrarily set prices and not expect the economic chaos. Only the spontaneous interaction of market participants leads the implementation of a proper price system, where the needs and desires of all participants meet. After reading many authoritative opinions, I draw the conclusion that the interest rate is often decided at the whim of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Even mechanistic explanations such as the Taylor Rule [ndt: Italian is linked to an article on Fed policy, is not the point of view of Paul, but makes an interesting picture] rely on tips that are often left to the discretion of those who make Fed policy: what is the potential GDP, if we can use the index of consumer prices, or the personal consumption, or consumption data for energy and food, include, exclude, and so forth.
The determination of the interest rate strikes me as very similar to that used by Roosevelt to decide the price of gold in 1930, at his whim, resulting in chaos and economic uncertainty. When market participants have to devote much of their time to discern the intentions of the Government in setting a price by analyzing the statements and minutes of Federal Open Market Committee are necessarily diverted from productive economic activities. They cease to become purely economic actors and are forced to become political analysts.
is not an isolated problem, as companies are forced to deal with tax increases, timing of tax credits, import tariffs, subsidies to competitors, etc.. However, the interest rate determines the cost of money and then determines whether the net long-term business investment has been made. Therefore, the manipulation of interest rates much more politicized impact of other government policies.
The determination of the interest rate introduces the business cycle in economics. Until the Federal Reserve will not understand the results of these actions, we will be doomed a ripetere questi cicli di espansione e di crollo. Esorto i miei colleghi a studiare la questione, ed a opporre resistenza all'impulso della Federal Reserve verso un maggiore intervento sul mercato.