the Seventh Annual 2008/2009 2007/2008
national poetry contest "City 'of St. Anastasia"
VII EDITION 2008/2009
Article 1 - The Association "meetings" of St. Anastasia (Napoli) with the sponsorship of the City of St. Anastasia Department of Culture, the Province of Naples and the Vesuvius National Park Authority, announces the Seventh Edition of the National Competition di Poesia “Città di Sant’Anastasia”, al quale potranno partecipare tutti i cittadini residenti in Italia o all’estero (purché l’elaborato sia in lingua italiana).
Art. 2 – Sono previste due sezioni:
Sez. A – Elaborati in lingua italiana a tema libero, inediti e mai premiati, di massimo 50 versi ciascuno.
Sez. B – Elaborati in lingua italiana o vernacolo napoletano, ispirati al tema: “L’ambiente e il territorio vesuviano”, inediti e mai premiati, di massimo 50 versi ciascuno.
Art. 3 – E’ possibile la partecipazione ad entrambe le sezioni con maximum 2 (two) prepared for each section, to be submitted in 6 copies, of which only one will return at the end: name, date and place of birth, address, telephone number and any e-mail, indicating the desired section , a declaration of authenticity and a statement that the work is unpublished and has never been awarded in other contests on the date of submission. E 'desirable but not necessary a brief curriculum literary author.
Article 4 - We require a participation fee of Euro 10.00 (ten/00), payable on ccp nr. 63401236 made payable to the Association "meeting", with reason: Poetry Competition City of St. Anastasia VII edition.
The fee of € 10 will allow participation by one or both sections provided. Photocopy of the payment will have to be attached to the elaborate.
Article 5 - The envelope containing the papers and proof of payment must be sent to:
80048 (Naples),
by January 15, 2009 (will The postmark of departure), or even to the See of the Circle "meeting". E 'can also be sent by electronic mail to
In this case you must attach a photocopy of the payment given or the details. The
will not be returned. The Organization is not responsible for any postal or non-delivery.
Article 6 - There are the following prizes: For the
Sec. A: 1st Prize 600 Euro 2nd prize Euro 350, 3rd prize Euro 250 .
For Sec. B: Plates the first three places.
Any special prizes, in cash.
will also be given other awards consisting of copper artefacts of local crafts, books and art publications. Reasons for the winners with diplomas and reported. Certificates of participation for poets present at the awards ceremony. There will be prizes awarded ex-aequo.
will be extrapolated to a ranking party for all participants and young boys, and local participants, that will receive special recognition. These rankings do not preclude the participant or local youth to eventually earn prizes and awards planned for the two sections A and B.
Article 7 - It 's possible plans to print a brochure with the winning poems and motivations. This brochure will be distributed free during the ceremony.
Article 8 - The names of the examining board, whose decision is final, will be announced on the day of the awards ceremony to be held in St. Anastasia in the day and place to be determined (by the end of April 2009). Only the winners will be notified and reported. The other participants will know the results of the competition at: and other literary sites, or by calling in the Secretariat.
Prizes must be collected directly by the owners. Only in case of serious and proven unavailable, it shall be delegated in writing. Otherwise, prizes will not be delivered or shipped.
Article. 10 of Law 675/96, shall ensure that personal data relating to participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.
For further information, is available to the Secretariat (Tel. 081.5301490) on Tuesdays and Fridays from 21.30 to 23.00; e-mail: .
The Secretariat thanks all those who want to spread the news of this poetry competition.
Si prega di non attendere gli ultimi giorni per l’invio degli elaborati, onde facilitare il compito della Segreteria e della Giuria.
I Ediz. 2002
Sez. A: Clara Di Stefano
Sez. B: non assegnato.
II Ediz. 2003
Sez. A: Salvatore Cangiani
Sez. B: Giovanni Caso
III Ediz. 2004
Sez. A: Armando Saveriano
Sez. B: Salvatore Cangiani
IV Ediz. 2005/2006
Sez. A: Gennaro Grieco
Sez. B: Vincenzo Russo
V Ediz. 2006/2007
Sez. A: Carmen De Mola
Sez. B: Armando Saveriano
Sec. Youth: Alessandro Nannini
Sec. Anastasia: Massimo De Mellis
VI Ed. 2007/2008
Sec. A: John Bottaro
Sec. B: Agostina Spagnuolo
Sec. Youth: Vanina Zaccaria
Sec. Anastasia: Alessandra Mai